"bank" boýunça gözlegiň netijeleri

Fotoreportaž: Aşgabatda bank ulgamynyň işgärleri "Zehin bäsleşiginde" bäsleşdiler

"Zehin bäsleşiginde" bank ulgamynyň işgärleri bäsleşdiler

Türkmenistan howanyň üýtgemegi bilen bagly ilkinji ýokary derejeli sebitleýin syýasy dialoga gatnaşdy

il;a öňdebaryjy hünärmenleri gatnaşdylar. Dialog Bütindünýä bankynyň we Birleşen Milletler Guramasynyň Daşky gurşaw maksatnamasynyň (UNEP) goldaw bermeginde &Ou...

Turkmen specialists have completed the construction of the hull of a new dredger

e of Pelvert, which significantly reduced the time for delivering goods and passengers to the right bank region. The company is also involved in the construction of residential buildings and offers...

Merkezi Aziýa ýurtlary tebigy betbagtçylyklar bilen bagly maksatnama işläp düzýärler

üýtgemegi boýunça Konwensiýasynyň Bütindünýä banky bilen bilelikdäki hyzmatdaşlygy netijesinde geçen ýyl ýitgileriň we ...

Speech by Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the Turkmen-Korean business forum

partnership for the implementation of upcoming projects with the participation of the Export-Import bank, the Korea Trade Insurance Corporation, the State bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmeni...

Türkmenistanyň Halk Maslahatynyň Başlygy Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedowyň Türkmen-koreý işewürlik maslahatyndaky çykyşy

likdäki çäreler göz öňünde tutuldy. Koreýanyň eksport-import bankynyň, Söwda ätiýaçlandyryş korporasiýasynyň, Türkmenistanyň ...

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow we Ýun Sok Ýol Türkmen-koreý işewürlik maslahatyna gatnaşdylar

dash; iki ýurduň ministrlikleriniň, pudaklaýyn dolandyryş edaralarynyň, maliýe-bank we işewürlik düzümleriniň wekilleri türkmen halkynyň Milli Lideri, Tür...

Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea signed a solid package of bilateral documents

lic of Korea in the field of energy infrastructure and the development of new cities; between the bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan, the Export-Import bank of Korea and the Korea Tra...

Türkmenistanyň we Koreýa Respublikasynyň Baştutanlarynyň arasyndaky gepleşikleriň netijeleri boýunça ikitaraplaýyn resminamalara gol çekildi

l;şünişmek hakynda Ähtnama; – Türkmenistanyň Döwlet daşary ykdysady iş banky bilen Koreýanyň Eksport-Import bankynyň we Koreýanyň Söwda ätiý...

A meeting of the intergovernmental Turkmen-Korean commission was held

tan reports. The delegation of Turkmenistan was headed by the Chairman of the Board of the State bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan Rahimberdy Jepbarov, the delegation of the Republi...

Türkmenistanyň futzal çempionatynda ikinji aýlawyň duşuşyklary tamamlandy

Bu tapgyryň merkezi duşuşygy Mergen Ataýewiň tälim berýän “Senagatbank” topary bilen ýaryş tertibiniň üçünji topary “Köpetdag...

Seminars on climate risks have started for the private sector of Turkmenistan

of extreme droughts, floods, heat waves and wildfires. According to a study conducted by the World bank, unless action is taken, economic losses from droughts and floods in Central Asia are projected...

The date and place of the 2024 Ballon d'Or ceremony have been announced

ober 28 at the grand Parisian Châtelet Theater, located on the square of the same name on the banks of the Seine. The Ballon d'Or has been awarded annually by France Football since 1956 a...

A meeting was held in Ashgabat with the Director General of the ADB Department for Central and West Asia

v, and the Director General of the Department for Central and Western Asia of the Asian Development bank, Evgeny Zhukov. The parties discussed the possibilities of implementing new joint projects i...

Raşid Meredow AÖB-nyň Merkezi we Günbatar Aziýa boýunça bölüminiň Baş direktory bilen duşuşdy

Türkmenistanyň daşary işler ministri Raşid Meredowyň Aziýa Ösüş bankynyň Merkezi we Günbatar Aziýa boýunça bölüminiň Baş direktory Ýewg...

Turkmenistan Delegation Participates in the Second Central Asian Forum on Trade Policy

by the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in partnership with the Asian Development bank (ADB), the International Trade Centre (ITC), and the government of Kazakhstan, is dedicated to ...

«Dostlukly Zähmet» dermanhanasy: köp görnüş, amatly baha hem-de oňaýly hyzmatlar

etmek mümkinçiligi. Satyn alan harydyňyz üçin tölegi nagt ýa-da bank karty arkaly töläp bilersiňiz. Dermanhana diňe ygtybarly önüm paý...

Merkezi Aziýada içerki sebit haryt dolanyşygy 11 milliard dollar artdy

Ccedil;äre Bütindünýä Söwda Guramasy we Aziýa Ösüş banky, Halkara Söwda merkezi hem-de Gazagystanyň Hökümeti tarapyndan guraldy. Gaza...

Ashgabat will host matches of the Turkmenistan Futsal Super League

etdag”, “Denizchi” and “Migration”, as well as TOPC and “Senagatbank”. The leadership in the standings is still held by “Senagatbank” with 21 p...