A new Consul General of Turkmenistan has been appointed in Istanbul, India's Independence Day was celebrated in Ashgabat, a set of an ancient board game have been discovered at excavations in Turkmenistan and other news



1. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has appointed Muhammetnur Ovezov Consul General of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Türkiye. The corresponding Decree was signed by the head of state on Tuesday. Prior to his current appointment, Muhammetnur Ovezov worked as the consul of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. The Embassy of India in Ashgabat held a solemn event on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of India. On the territory of the Embassy, the state Indian flag was solemnly raised, Ambassador Vidhu Peethambaran Nair read out to the audience the address of the President of India. After the performance of the national anthem of India, a cultural program was held.

3. A complete set for an unknown ancient board game was discovered during excavations in Turkmenistan by archaeologists from the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with colleagues from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists are now faced with the task of understanding the purpose, essence and rules of the ancient game of the disappeared culture of people who lived on the territory of the ancient settlement of Gonur-Depe in the Karakum desert.

4. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Turkmenistan are working on the next country partnership strategy for 2024-2028. Projects are being prepared in the health, finance, transport and energy sectors. To date, the Bank has provided 13 loans, grants and technical assistance to the public sector in Turkmenistan totaling 632,6 million USD.

5. A new complex of buildings and structures of the State Border Service was solemnly opened on the Caspian coast. The celebrations began with the ceremony of raising the State Flag of Turkmenistan to the sounds of the National Anthem. For officers and members of their families, new residential buildings have been erected on the territory of the complex. Among the objects are two three-storey 48-apartment buildings with a convenient layout of rooms, where all conditions for comfortable living and recreation are provided. On the territory of the complex there is a barracks building for 200 people, the “Galkynysh” room and a modern library with a rich book fund, indoor and outdoor sports grounds. Among the facilities are also a medical unit, a canteen, a kitchen and a bakery, as well as other social facilities. Within the framework of the solemn event, vehicles were handed over to the modern complex of structures and buildings of the State Border Service on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

6. Turkmenistan ranked first among aviation fuel suppliers to Georgia in January-July 2023. According to the Union of Petroleum Products Importers of Georgia, Turkmen enterprises exported 29,6 thousand tons of aviation fuel to this country, which is 44,1% of the total volume of imports of this type of fuel to Georgia over the seven months.

7. Turkmen producers will be able to use a new media platform created with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The platform will provide information and advice on developing export potential, improving product quality, meeting international standards, marketing and entering global markets. The project is part of USAID's Central Asia Trade Program, which aims to strengthen regional integration and trade cooperation. It will be implemented within two years and will cover about 100 local private enterprises from various sectors of the economy.


8. An additional scholarship has appeared in Uzbekistan for students who speak a foreign language at a high level. The payment will take effect from the 2023-2024 academic year. It will encourage students of medical universities and technical schools who have an internationally recognized certificate in English, German or French with a result of at least C1 level. The scholarship will be paid monthly in addition to regular payments throughout the validity of the certificate.

9. In the US, a 13 years old teenager from North Dakota survived a fall from a 30-meter ledge on the north rim of the Grand Canyon during a family trip. A teenager named Wyatt Kaufman slipped on a rock and fell almost 100 feet on the Bright Angel Point trail. It took special services about two hours to rescue him. Doctors diagnosed fractures of nine vertebrae and a hand, a ruptured spleen, a concussion, a collapsed lung, and a dislocated finger.


10. Turkmen “Merv” at home defeated “Alay” from Kyrgyzstan in the preliminary round of the AFC Cup. The meeting was held at the “Sports toplumy” stadium in Mary and ended with the score 1:0. Musa Nurnazarov scored the only goal in the 13th minute against the Osh club. At the playoff stage of the AFC Cup “Merv” will meet with the Tajik “Khujand”. The meeting of these teams will be held on August 22 at the stadium “20th Anniversary of Independence of Tajikistan”. In case of success, “Merv” will get the right to play in the group stage of the tournament, which starts on September 20.

11. Cholpon-Ata will host an international sambo tournament among men and women, in which representatives of Turkmenistan will also take part. Medals in sports and combat sambo among men and women will be played at the World Cup. The tournament will be held at the “Gazprom for Children” sports complex in Cholpon-Ata with the participation of sambists from 20 countries. After the end of the competition, a seminar for judges and a sports camp for coaches and athletes will be held.

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