Uzbek medical students will receive an additional scholarship for knowledge of languages


An additional scholarship has appeared in Uzbekistan for students who speak a foreign language at a high level. The corresponding order was signed on August 11 by the Minister of Health, reports uz.sputniknews with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic.

The payment will take effect from the 2023-2024 academic year. It will encourage students of medical universities and technical schools who have an internationally recognized certificate in English, German or French with a result of at least C1 level. A scholarship in the amount of three BCVs (the basic calculation value, currently equal to 300 thousand sums) will be paid monthly in addition to regular payments throughout the validity of the certificate.

To appoint a scholarship, the rectors of universities and technical schools will have to quarterly submit lists to the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry.

At present time, 56 students with a high knowledge of foreign languages are studying in 9 medical universities of the republic, the source notes.

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