
Boy miraculously survived after falling 30 meters into Grand Canyon


In the US, a 13 years old boy from North Dakota survived a fall from a 30-meter ledge on the northern rim of the Grand Canyon during a family trip, reports “MIR 24”.

The incident happened last week. A teenager named Wyatt Kaufman slipped on a rock and fell almost 100 feet on the Bright Angel Point trail. It took special services about two hours to rescue him.

Doctors diagnosed fractures of nine vertebrae and a hand, a ruptured spleen, a concussion, a collapsed lung, and a dislocated finger. At present time, the boy has already been discharged from the medical facility.

Grand Canyon search and rescue teams receive over 300 accident reports each year. Park officials urged hikers to be careful on the Bright Angel Point Trail, which is not only famous for its scenic views but also for its dangerous steepness, the source said.

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