
The avalanche descended from the Kazakhstan mountains


The Avalanche descended in the area of the Molodejny near the Almaty peak, announced mir24 with reference to the message of the Department of Emergency Situations of the city.

According to rescuers, the avalanche descended on April 13 at 13:28 local time. Presumably, two people remained under the rubble.

The press service of the Department of Emergency Situations reported: “Search and rescue operations are carried out by the rescuers of the “Tuyuksu” KSP, the management of the Department of Emergency Situations (six people, two pieces of equipment), the ROSO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (seven people, one piece of equipment, one cynological team), “Kazselezashita” ( three people, one piece of equipment), rescue service 109 (five people, two pieces of equipment, one cynological team)”.

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