
Scientists record brain activity at the moment of death for the first time


For the first time in history, scientists were able to record the brain activity of a person at the moment of his death. This happened when an 87 years old patient with epilepsy, who was undergoing a brain test (EEG), unexpectedly died of a heart attack, writes “Evening Moscow” with reference to The Sun.

Canadian scientists have a unique opportunity to analyze changes in brain function 30 seconds before and after cardiac arrest. The study results showed a significant increase in “gamma oscillations", which are typically associated with memories and dreams. This observation may provide scientific support for a long-standing hypothesis that in the last moments of life, people can experience fragmented memories of past years.

Although similar changes in brain waves have previously been observed in experiments on rats, this is the first study of its kind conducted in humans. However, the researchers urge caution in interpreting the results because they are based on a single case and the patient's brain was damaged by epilepsy. Therefore, it is not yet possible to say with confidence that such processes are universal for all people in a near-death state.

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