
The Appian Way in Italy has been recognized as a cultural heritage of humanity


UNESCO has added a new Italian site to its World Heritage List – the famous Appian Way. The decision was made at a meeting of the World Heritage Committee in New Delhi. This was reported by “MIR 24”.

This historic route, dating back to 312 BC, was named after the initiator of its construction, the Roman politician Appius Claudius Caecus. The road played a key role in Rome's connections with Greece, Egypt and Asia Minor.

The section of the Appian Way located in Rome is part of the archaeological park. Along it, numerous monuments of antiquity have been preserved - tombs and villas from the times of the Roman Republic and Empire.

With the inclusion of the Appian Way, the number of Italian sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List has reached 60, the highest number of any country in the world, confirming Italy's rich cultural heritage.

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