
Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the President of the "Seeds" Association outlined a program for growing crops


The program for further joint work in the field of seed production, cultivation of various agricultural crops was outlined today during the meeting by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Deputy Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council for Seed Production of the Commonwealth of Independent States, President of the Seeds Association Ivan Kuzmin, the Watan information program of the Turkmen television reported.

Welcoming the guest, the head of Turkmenistan expressed confidence that his current visit to our country would open up new prospects for deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of agriculture, in particular, in such an important area as seed production in the CIS.

As I. Kuzmin said, he had the opportunity to be convinced of the success of the reforms in the agro-industrial complex during his visit to the Bugdayly Tejribe-Tokhumchilyk Experimental Seed Growing Association in Ahal velayat, where, as well as throughout the country, grain harvesting is currently unfolding.

As the head of state noted, at present, ensuring food security, increasing the productivity of the agro-industrial complex and rational use of available resources are urgent tasks throughout the world. Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the development of agriculture, and large-scale measures are being taken to turn it into a high-tech industry open to innovative solutions and ideas.

In continuation of the meeting, an interested exchange of views took place on the prospects for further cooperation, taking into account the existing potential and the key tasks set for the national agro-industrial complex.

Turkmen scientists and specialists are carrying out relevant work in order to increase crop yields, introduce scientifically based crop rotation, and increase agricultural production. In this regard, it was emphasized that Turkmenistan is open to broad international cooperation and the exchange of best practices in the agro-industrial sector, which is in the interests of common well-being.

In this context, it was noted that Turkmenistan, being an associate member of the Commonwealth of Independent States, takes an active part in its activities. Cooperation within the framework of the CIS Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production is becoming more and more effective. Turkmenistan aims to continue the fruitful partnership, advocating the coordination of joint activities in the field of breeding and variety testing, taking into account soil and climatic conditions, for strengthening mutually beneficial contacts in the fields of seed production and interstate supplies of varietal seeds.

It was also noted that there are ample opportunities for organizing on a systematic basis training courses for advanced training and retraining of specialized personnel. In this regard, the readiness of Turkmenistan to consider specific proposals of the CIS ICCM on deepening productive cooperation was confirmed.

Expressing gratitude to the head of state for the substantive, detailed conversation, Ivan Kuzmin noted that Turkmenistan has great potential for increasing the volume of grain production and its supply to other states.

At the end of the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and his guest expressed confidence that the interaction between Turkmenistan and the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the CIS would continue to develop successfully, filled with new concrete content.

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