
Turkmen silk growers have committed to the production of 2,300 tons of mulberry cocoons


Silk growers of the country, using the opportunities provided by the state, plan to receive 2,300 tons of mulberry cocoons this year. Deputy Prime Minister Esenmurad Orazgeldiyev informed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov about this during a workshop on the digital system held on March 28, the country's State Information Agency reported.

Moreover, the Head of State was informed that preparations are currently underway in the regions of the country for the production season of silkworm cocoons, contracts are being signed with cocoon producers who are provided with mulberry grains.

The President instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to monitor the progress of concluding contracts with cocoon producers, as well as to provide silkworms with high-quality raw materials.

Focusing on the special value of this raw material for the textile industry, Serdar Berdimuhamedov demanded to keep under constant control the work carried out in this direction.

Let’s remind that in 2021, Turkmen silk growers handed over more than 2,100 tons of cocoons and successfully implemented their contractual obligations.

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