
Turkmen chemists obtained calcium nitrate from local raw materials in innovative way


The method of obtaining calcium nitrate tetrahydrate from local raw materials was developed by the employees of the Department of Technological Design and Introduction into Production of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. The source "Turkmenistan Golden Age" reports it.

This inorganic compound is common in industrial production as a protection of the cooling system from corrosion. Calcium nitrate is also used in the agricultural and industrial sector as a nitrogen fertilizer. For these purposes, the Kiyanly Polymer Plant purchases annually more than 100 tons of calcium nitrate from foreign companies for hard currency.

Turkmen chemists synthesized this substance by low-temperature neutralization of nitric acid with natural limestone consisting mainly of calcium carbonate.

Scientists used non-concentrated inorganic acid, which is produced by the Production Association Maryazot, and marble processing waste, chemically precipitated chalk, calcite - lime spar as reagents.

Specialists of the Institute of Chemistry, Production Association Maryazot and Economic Society Asia Onumi concluded a trilateral agreement on conducting an experiment. Its participants produced more than 3 tons of experimental industrial reagent and made tests in the water cooling system of the Kiyanly Polymer Plant. The results of the experiment demonstrated that the product synthesized from local raw materials increases the hardness of water and provides its acid-alkali poise, which protects pipes from corrosion, the source notes.

A patent application for the authorship of such a method for obtaining calcium nitrate tetrahydrate from local raw materials has already been filed with the State Service for Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan.

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