“Şypaly Çomuç” pharmacy specialists talk about good habits for good vision


“Şypaly Çomuç” pharmacy consultants once again provide background information for readers of Turkmenportal. This time we will talk about good habits that will help reduce stress and maintain visual acuity.

Try to develop the following habits:

  • Do not sit for a long time at the computer or TV;
  • Light up your workplace;
  • Take breaks while working at the computer;
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin A and antioxidants;
  • Take multivitamins;
  • Keep a sleep schedule;
  • Do gymnastics for the eyes;
  • Get regular checkups with your ophthalmologist.

The assortment of “Şypaly Çomuç” pharmacy includes ophthalmic drugs and medicines for allergies, infections and eye fatigue, antiviral and painkillers, vitamins necessary to maintain good vision and prevent the development of ophthalmic diseases.

As a reminder, the “Şypaly Çomuç” pharmacy actively uses social networks. By subscribing to the pharmacy page on Instagram, the subscriber will be aware of the promotions, and will also be able to ask a question by sending a message to direct @lalezarapteka.

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