
The President of Turkmenistan visited the world's largest gas field “Galkynysh”


Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Mary velayat, during which he visited the world's largest gas field “Galkynysh”, having familiarized himself with the prospects of developing new deposits on the spot, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

During the flight, the head of state got acquainted with the content of printed publications published in the country, and also, having called by phone, instructed Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers Mammethan Chakyev to constantly keep in the spotlight issues related to improving the activities of the agency “Turkmen Airlines” implementation of advanced world experience in its work.

Upon arrival at the “Galkynysh” field, the President of Turkmenistan was presented with drawings and diagrams with detailed information on the promising fields identified by specialists in this region, as well as on the methods of their development, taking into account the environmental component.

Located 50 km from the regional center of Mary near the border with Iran and Afghanistan, the largest field in the south of Turkmenistan with an area of 1,842 km² was discovered in November 2006. Then it was called South Yolotan. On November 18, 2011, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution ordering to name the South Yolotan-Osman, Minara and adjacent fields the “Galkynysh” gas field. Operation began in the summer of 2013.

The “Galkynysh” field has the second largest gas reserves in the world. “Gafney, Cline & Associates”, an independent British company, has increased its reserves estimate for the “Galkynysh” field (in conjunction with the associated “Yashlar” field) from 26.2 trillion cubic meters to 27.4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. The growth of reserves was ensured by the discovered accompanying “Garakel” field, which is also included in this block of fields.

At the “Galkynysh” field, Hyundai Engineering CO. LTD (Republic of Korea), CNPC (People's Republic of China) and Petrofac International LLC (United Arab Emirates) have built and operate three large gas processing complexes for desulfurization with a total capacity of 30 billion cubic meters of commercial gas per year.

The director of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern “Turkmengas” reported to the leader of the nation on the work done to study the rich reserves of hydrocarbon resources, to master the advanced practices of modern science to increase the volume of their processing. It was also reported about the training of specialists in this area, their research work in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Then the chairman of the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” reported on the geological exploration work carried out in different parts of the country, about their features, scientific experiments carried out in this area. As noted, the discovery of rich hydrocarbon deposits requires a scientific approach.

The Chairman of the State Concern “Turkmengas” reported on the investments directed to the development of the industry and the ongoing comprehensive work to increase its efficiency. As noted earlier, the emphasis is on increasing natural gas production and diversifying its transportation.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Abdyrahmanov, in charge of the fuel and energy complex, reported on the current state of affairs in the industry, steps taken to increase its export potential, as well as on the drilling of new oil and gas wells.

As noted, the work of the fuel and energy complex, which is one of the key sectors of the economy, is constantly being improved, advanced world experience and innovative technologies are being actively introduced. This contributes to the development and steady increase in the production capacity of the complex, including the processing industry.

It was emphasized that the use of the country's natural resources in industry will contribute to the prosperity of a sovereign state, the strengthening of the national economy, and a steady increase in the standard of living of the people. At the same time, investment projects implemented in the fuel and energy sector contribute to the further development of mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Continuing the conversation, the leader of the nation highlighted the Günorta Mary site, which is considered very promising. Thus, as in other parts of the country, the region needs to be innovative about drilling gas wells, which is the main prerequisite for the efficient use of natural gas resources.

“In this regard, the “Galkynysh” gas field, the total reserves of which together with the “Yashlar” and “Garakol” fields are estimated at 27.4 trillion cubic meters, we are developing on a phased basis through specific projects focused on the long term,” continued the head of state. At the same time, other gas fields of the country are being capitalized.

“We are carrying out tremendous work in order to effectively use this wealth for the benefit of the Turkmen people and in the interests of the peoples of the world,” the President of the country said, focusing on the need to intensify geological exploration and drilling works, and industrial development of new oil and gas fields.

Gas from the “Galkynysh” field is supplied to the domestic market and exported to China. The pipeline is designed to supply 40 billion cubic meters of gas per year, the throughput capacity of its three lines (A, B and C) is 55 billion m3/year. In addition, gas from this field has been identified as a resource base for supplies via the TAPI gas pipeline with a capacity of 33 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

In the future, the gas resources of “Galkynysh” are also supposed to be used for supplies in the European direction.

In terms of natural gas reserves, Turkmenistan is among the first four countries in the world along with Russia, Iran and Qatar.

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