
Kerki International Airport assigned ICAO code


The new airport in the city of Kerki has been assigned a four-letter individual identifier - UTAE, the “Vatan” news program of the Turkmen television reported.

The corresponding decision was taken by the International Civil Aviation Organization, as evidenced by an official ICAO document.

The ICAO airport code is a four-letter unique individual identifier assigned to airports in the world by the International Civil Aviation Organization. These codes are used by airlines, air traffic control authorities, meteorological services for the transmission of aeronautical and meteorological information on airports, flight plans, designation of civil aerodromes on radio navigation maps, as well as addresses of airports in the international aeronautical telegraph network of the AFTN. ICAO codes have a regional structure: as a rule, a two-letter country prefix is used, where the first letter is assigned to a group of neighboring countries, the second letter identifies a specific country in the group. The other two letters of the code identify the airport in that country.

Also, today, during the grand opening of the airport complex, the Certificate of Conformity issued by Munich International Airport to Kerki International Airport was promulgated. The document, in accordance with Appendix 14 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (“Chicago Convention” from 1944), confirms that all airport parameters related to planning and design, requirements for their physical characteristics, operation and maintenance of aerodromes, as well as used landing, navigation , meteorological, lighting and other necessary systems comply with international norms and standards.

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