
Sour-milk drinks of Central Asia: what are their benefits?


A healthy diet, the basis of which is the observance of the regimen, the use of healthy foods, is the key to good health and well-being. When drawing up the right diet, it is necessary to include dairy products as the main source of phosphorus and calcium.

Nutritionists recommend using fermented milk products in the form (kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt) every day for the elderly, children and the sick, especially in the summer. In the winter diet, it is better to introduce cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese.

The history of milk dates back more than one thousand years, and the discovery of fermented milk products dates back to the Stone Age and belongs to the inhabitants of Central Asia. Since ancient times, people of the Central Asian climate, with its hot summers, escaped from thirst with drinks made from sour cow, goat, camel milk, which are very beneficial for the body.

Let's consider some of them: for instance, in Uzbekistan, one of the most popular drinks is katyk, which is made from skimmed boiled cow's milk. Milk must be boiled and cooled to 36 degrees, pour into a liter jar and add a couple of tablespoons of yesterday's katyk, then mix until smooth. Then, wrap with a towel and put for 12 hours in a dark place. Put the finished katyk in the refrigerator and drink it chilled, or use it as a base for salads and soups.

Favorite soft drinks in Tajikistan are cholob and dugob. They are made from chakka diluted with water; a distinctive feature of dugoba is that it is whipped. Salt, herbs or ice cubes are also added to the drinks to taste.

Perfectly quench thirst and give freshness in Kazakhstan: koumiss, shubat, shalap, irkit. There are up to 40 types of koumiss, differing in cooking methods. The drink has a milky-alcoholic taste, its strength (usually 5-6%) and depends on the fat content of milk. In fermented horse or camel milk, aged raw to a certain degree of fermentation; distillate is added (alcohol distillation product), in total - fermentation takes about 10 hours. Since it needs to be whisked frequently, a wooden barrel with a hole in the lid or a bag made of whole goatskin is used.

Shubat - its strength depends on the duration of exposure and is higher than that of koumiss (8-9%). Only fresh camel milk is suitable for its preparation, to which sourdough is added, but you can shake the drink only before drinking. Shalap - consists of ayran, water, salt, instead of water, you can add soda. Irkit - prepared on sourdough made from boiled milk mixed with cheese.

Ayran is popular in Kyrgyzstan - it resembles drinking yogurt, and the consistency is thick sour cream. A nutritious drink rich in amino acids, easy to digest, useful for people who want to lose weight. Tan - prepared on the basis of ayran and diluted with water with the addition of herbs. Chalap - the basis of cow's milk, rich in bifidobacteria, which normalize the intestinal flora, promotes detoxification and absorption by the body of various macro and microelements, vitamins and amino acids.

Camel chal in Turkmenistan is one of the most common and favorite drinks among its inhabitants. It is prepared using the natural fermentation of camel milk. “Yesterday’s” chal is taken and added to fresh milk; the fermentation process lasts 4 hours, but in order for it to acquire the desired structure and full taste, it takes another 7 hours. The term of freshness of the drink is a day.

Among the main useful properties of fermented milk products, it should be noted:

  • Tonic action
  • Optimization of the digestion processes
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Skin improvement
  • Lowering blood cholesterol
  • Fatigue elimination
  • Mild diuretic

But not everyone can use dairy products in their diet: these are, first of all, people with allergic reactions and those with diseases of the digestive tract.

According to doctors, the frequent use of fermented milk products maintains the balance of our microflora and relieves depression and bad mood, as they contain tryptophan, which is necessary for the formation of the hormone of happiness.



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