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Verona celebrates the 740th anniversary of Juliet: a festival in honor of the Shakespearean heroine


On September 16, the Italian city of Verona hosts a bright and romantic celebration of the birthday of Juliet, the heroine of the famous play by William Shakespeare, writes

Despite the fact that Juliet is a fictional character, the people of Verona treat her as a real historical figure, honoring the memory of a great love story.

The central event of the holiday is the activity of the “Juliet Club” - a cultural association founded in 1972. The club's volunteers answer thousands of letters from all over the world. In these messages, people share their love stories and ask for advice from the legendary heroine.

The city is filled with a medieval atmosphere: carnivals, costumed performances, concerts and film screenings are held. On the streets you can meet people in Renaissance costumes, and the squares are decorated in the style of Shakespeare's Verona.

Interestingly, the date of the celebration – September 16 – was not chosen by chance. Although Shakespeare’s play indicates a different birthday for Juliet, the Veronese follow an earlier source – Luigi Da Porto’s novella, where the heroine was born on the day of Saint Euphemia. According to calculations, Juliet would have turned 740 years old in 2024.

This celebration is not only a tribute to literary heritage, but also an opportunity for the city to attract tourists, highlight its romantic atmosphere and remind the world of the eternal values of love and devotion. Every year, thousands of visitors come to Verona to touch the legend and, perhaps, find their own love story in the city made famous by Shakespeare.

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