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Tens of thousands of Chinese join forces to clean up after devastating typhoon


After the devastating blow of super typhoon “Yagi”, the city of Haikou in Hainan Province was left in ruins: fallen trees, broken windows and damaged buildings turned it into a disaster zone. However, residents did not remain indifferent to the fate of their city, writes

In an unprecedented outburst of solidarity, around 60 000 people took to the streets to help with the recovery. Young people were particularly active: around 20 000 young people volunteered to help with the clean-up efforts.

Students from Chunming College at Hainan University demonstrated amazing efficiency. In a record 40 minutes, several hundred students formed work teams and began clearing roads, repairing bike racks, and cutting down fallen trees.

Among the volunteers was 15 years old Wu Qiujie, who shared his motivation: “I lived through Super Typhoon Rammasun ten years ago as a child. Now that I'm an adult, I feel it's time to give back to society”.
It is noteworthy that help came not only from local residents – volunteers also came from other regions to contribute to the restoration of the damaged city.

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