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Banks in China introduce carbon accounts for customers


Chinese financial institutions are actively introducing innovative tools to stimulate the transition to a low-carbon economy. One such tool is personal carbon accounts, which allow bank customers to accumulate points for environmentally responsible actions and use them to pay for goods and services. reports this.

A pioneer in this area is CITIC Bank, which launched a personal carbon account program two years ago. Bank customers can earn points for various environmentally friendly actions, such as using public transport instead of a personal car, charging an electric car, and shopping online.

There are thirteen different ways to earn Green Points, covering different aspects of a low-carbon lifestyle.

To date, more than 15 million people have opened personal carbon accounts, and the cumulative reduction in carbon emissions due to this initiative has exceeded 90 thousand tons.

Last year, the bank’s clients used their accumulated “green points” more than 11 million times.

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