
Scientists: the more children, the younger the parents' brains


Scientists from Yale University have concluded that having a large family can keep its members mentally sharp.

A study published in the Daily Mail showed that the brain activity of parents with many children is more “young” in structure than that of those who do not have children or have few of them, reports.

What is this connected with? Scientists suggest that the constant need to take care of children, raise them and organize life in a large family forces the brain to constantly work and “stress”.

MRI results from more than 37 000 people from the UK Biobank, a large repository of human biological samples, showed that having multiple children in a family promotes “long-term neuroprotection” for parents.

In addition to “training” the brain, neuroprotection may be due to the fact that parents with many children, as a rule, have a higher level of daily social and physical activity.

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