
The President of Turkmenistan recognized the merits of experienced diplomats with a badge of distinction


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov awarded six members of the diplomatic service the “Skilled Diplomat of Turkmenistan” insignia. The head of state timed the corresponding Resolution to coincide with the Day of Diplomatic Workers of Turkmenistan celebrated on February 18, writes TDH.

For “great successes in strengthening state independence and neutrality, implementing foreign policy, building relations in the political, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other fields, protecting the state interests of Turkmenistan, training young specialists, conscientious and exemplary work in the diplomatic service for many years , as well as on the occasion of the Day of Diplomatic Workers”, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov awarded the distinctive sign “Skilled Diplomat of Turkmenistan” to:

  • teacher at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Berdiniyazov Sapar,
  • veteran of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan Bayramov Aman-Geldi Ovezovich,
  • veteran of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan Kadyrov - Vladimir Akimovich,
  • teacher of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Mommadov Kakajan,
  • Counselor of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation (Moscow) Durdyev Serdar Takhirovich,
  • Pirmukhammedova Soltana (posthumously).

It is worth noting that the Badge of Distinction for diplomatic service employees was established in Turkmenistan in 2021. It is awarded to employees of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan who have made a personal contribution to the implementation of the country’s neutral, peace-loving and constructive foreign policy, building and strengthening relations with foreign countries in the political, trade, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, humanitarian and other fields, protecting state interests, rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities of Turkmenistan abroad, expanding effective dialogue with authoritative international organizations.”

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