
The expert appreciated the contribution of Turkmenistan to the formation of the global agenda in the field of transport


Senior lecturer at the Turkmen State Institute of Finance, applicant for the academic degree of Candidate of Political Sciences Ruslan Jumaev highly appreciated Turkmenistan’s efforts to formulate a global agenda in the field of sustainable development of transport infrastructure in a commentary for

According to him, Turkmenistan consistently comes up with constructive initiatives at the UN that help improve the efficiency of the global transport system. Such initiatives include the establishment of World Sustainable Transport Day, the adoption of resolutions on the role of transit corridors and the interaction of different modes of transport.

Among the latest initiatives of Turkmenistan, the expert highlighted the proposal to declare 2026-2035 the Decade of Sustainable Transport, which was supported by the UN General Assembly.

According to Jumayev, Turkmenistan’s active participation in solving global issues of transport logistics strengthens the country’s authority on the world stage as a responsible and reliable partner.

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