
Representatives of business circles of Ashgabat demonstrated their skills in bowling


The bowling championship among representatives of business circles - members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) and the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (PPET) - was held in the Olympic village of Ashgabat.

The championship was organized by the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and the Bowling Federation of Turkmenistan.

In addition to members of the UIET and PPET, representatives of such Turkmen companies as Awtoýoly, Ýigit, Miwe, Ynamdar, AhalAgropark, Degirmen Topary, Saraýan, Maýam, Tebigy Agaç, Weli Gurluşyk, Samsung Turkmenistan, Garly also took part in the competition.

Participants who came to the competition in team uniforms were supported in their struggle by family members and colleagues.

Competitions were held in individual and team standings. Each competition consisted of three games, the places were distributed according to the sum of points scored in the team and individual competitions.

The places were distributed as follows:

Team score:

1 place – Tebigy agaç 1205 points;

2 place – Weli gurluşyk – 1086 points;

3 place – Samsung Turkmenistan – 1054 points.

Individual score:

1 place – Aymamedov Muhamed (Tebigy agaç) - 481 points;

2 place – Amanmuradov Bayrammuradov (Ashgabat city committee CCIT) – 444 points

3 place – Gutlyev Welmurad (Weli gurluşyk) – 429 points.

The winners were awarded medals, cups and gifts from the sponsors of the championship.

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