
Frost and sun: weather forecasters told what kind of weather December will bring to Turkmenistan


In December, the temperature on the territory of Turkmenistan can be expected mainly within or near the norm, in some places less, writes the “Meteozhurnal” online publication.

In the first ten days of December, in most of Turkmenistan, the temperature is mostly below the norm. Cold air will come from the territory of Kazakhstan, due to the extensive cold anticyclone.

In the north of the country, frosts can reach -10 ... -15 degrees. Night frosts are very likely throughout almost the entire territory of the country, with the exception of perhaps certain southern regions.

Warming can be expected towards the end of the first decade, the temperature background will be within or slightly above the norm.

Significant frosts have already come to the north of Turkmenistan, in some desert areas of the Dashoguz velayat the temperature dropped to -13,2, in the city of Dashoguz - to -10,5.

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