
The voters from the regions of Turkmenistan continue to get acquainted with the candidates for the highest state post


The election marathon in Turkmenistan keeps picking up the pace by involving in its orbit thousands and thousands of people, causing a massive public outcry. The meeting of the candidates for the upcoming elections for the position of the President of Turkmenistan on the 12th of March are held with extensive participation of public, working collectives of enterprises and organizations, honorary elders and youth, and today allows us to draw conclusions about the most pressing topics and issues of concern to Turkmen citizens.

As the newspaper the “Neutral Turkmenistan” informs today, on the 1st of March, in the House of Culture of the city of Anau etrap Ak Bugday of Ahal velayat, the voters met with the chief doctor of the “Avaza” sanatorium of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the country, deputy of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Berdymammet Gurbanov, nominated as a candidate for the post of President of Turkmenistan from the initiative group of citizens of Balkan velayat.

In the afternoon, there was also a meeting of voters with another candidate for President of Turkmenistan, the chairman of the Committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan of the etrap named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi of Dashoguz velayat Maksat Odeshov, put forward by an initiative group of citizens of the northern region of the country.

At the same day two meetings took plaçe in Balkan velayat in the cultural and sports center of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries. The voters got familiarized with the biographies and election programs of deputy hyakim of Mary velayat Aghajan Bekmyradov, who was nominated by the Agrarian Party of the country, and then the director of the Economic Society “Vepaly Gurlushyk” Babamyrat Meredov, nominated as a candidate for President of Turkmenistan by the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country.

The candidates for the highest position told about their perspective on the country’s future, then answered the questions of the audience, which touched the wide range of topics that are interested to them, concerning the development of manifold national economic sectors, healthcare system, education, training of young qualified specialists and their further employment, stimulating of domestic entrepreneurship, implementation of the important projects, including those on region’s development.

One can get familiarized with the candidates’ programs on the pages of the official press. Agitation company will end on the 9th of March.

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