
The President of Turkmenistan ordered to increase gas production in Mary velayat


The development of the country’s oil and gas industry, increasing the volume of gas production from the fields of Mary velayat and strengthening the position of Turkmenistan in the world energy market were discussed today at a meeting held by the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov following his trip to the region.

According to the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, the meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shahym Abdrahmanov, who is in charge of the fuel and energy complex, heads of oil and gas industry structures, as well as subordinate institutions of the fuel and energy complex in Mary velayat.

The leader of the nation heard the reports of the heads of the State Corporation “Turkmengeology”, the State Concern “Turkmengas” and the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the fuel and energy complex.

The measures taken into increase natural gas production, increase the productivity of existing wells, and develop new fields through the use of modern technologies were reported on the reports.

There was an information about the work carried out with foreign partners, the main directions of the implementation of joint investment projects, the development of the “Galkynysh” gas field.

In the work of fuel and energy complex, an important role is assigned to the effective implementation of scientific achievements, the President of Turkmenistan noted, focusing on the scientific substantiation of the services being established.

Speaking about the implementation of large-scale programs for the development and modernization of the national economy, the transition to a digital system, the creation of high-tech industrial production, the head of state stressed that the ongoing reforms open up wide opportunities for expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with interested countries.

The President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the fact that huge investments are being made in the oil and gas complex, which are important in the development of the industry, providing the necessary equipment for oil and gas enterprises, conducting geological prospecting, drilling, and industrial development of new fields. Thus, through the development of international cooperation, large-scale projects are being implemented.

In this context, it is necessary to keep under constant control the level of safety of work carried out at oil and gas fields, the head of state noted and gave the Deputy Prime Minister specific instructions in this regard.

Speaking about the tasks of processing natural gas and increasing its export volumes, the optimal solution of which will not only strengthen the national economy, but also achieve constructive international partnership, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need to use the advanced achievements of world science and practice for this purpose.

Noting the important of using innovative technologies in the implementation of measures in this direction, the head of state addressed specific instructions to the relevant leaders.

Continuing the topic, the leader of the nation ordered to make the necessary efforts, so that the organization of work at the enterprises of the oil and gas sector meets the requirements of the time.

Improving the activities of specialized structures, creating conditions for productive work of workers in the industry are priorities of state policy, the President of the country noted, focusing on the importance of a responsible and comprehensive approach to solving problems in this direction.

The head of the state ordered to accelerate the pace of geological exploration, the comprehensive measures being taken to search, identify and discover new oil and gas fields.

The President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on enhancing relations with the world’s leading specialized educational institutions, using the capabilities of modern communication system and digital technologies, which will train highly qualified personnel for the oil and gas industry and conduct scientific and experimental work.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the material and technical base of the fuel and energy complex, including geological exploration institutions, as well as reconstruct, if necessary, production facilities and prepare specific proposals for attracting investments in the implementation of new projects, pointed out the head of state.

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