The President of Turkmenistan reprimanded the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Resources


The President of Turkmenistan reprimanded the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Resources Gyuizgeldi Bayjanov for improper performance of official duties and shortcomings in work. The head of state signed the corresponding order today during a working meeting on the development of agriculture, the Vatan news program of the Turkmen television reported.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the water sector, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that one of the key aspects of state policy is the careful conservation and use of water resources, which is directly related to solving the problems of developing the agro-industrial complex and protecting the environment.

The head of state emphasized the importance of effectively using the purchased equipment in the performance of the designated work, in particular, the tasks of water supply for crops in the required volume, having addressed the relevant instructions to the head of the industry.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that, based on international experience, the latest technologies for using large waterways, reservoirs and lakes should be introduced into production. Widely use drip, rainfall and other water-saving irrigation methods.

The purchase of imported goods, equipment, spare parts and consumables should be carried out at optimal prices, which should not be higher than for other countries of the region, the leader of the nation emphasized again, noting the expediency of establishing direct relations with manufacturers of products necessary for the water industry.

The President of the country pointed out that it is necessary to ensure the rational and efficient use of agricultural machinery purchased by the state for foreign currency on preferential terms, improve the land reclamation condition, take measures to combat soil salinization, and accelerate the pace of work on cleaning drainage collectors.

Rationally using water resources, it is necessary to improve the water supply of settlements and agriculture, the head of state emphasized.


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