The Ministry of Healthcare of Turkmenistan established the procedure for obtaining donor blood or its components


By the Order No. 311 dated 22.10.2020 (registered MA 20.11.2020 No.1417) of the Minister of helathcare and medical industry the order of reception of donor blood or its components is approved.

Donor is a private person who voluntarily gives part of his/her blood or its components for medical needs. According to the Law of Turkmenistan “Concerning donated blood” (registered No. 595-V. dated 26.08.2017) blood or its components can be donated by individuals who has reached the age of 18 years and only after their medical examination.  Medical examination of individuals before giving blood and its components and document issuance are executed for free. 

In accordance with the adopter order of medical examination of donors is executed on the ground of “Order of medical examination execution of donors” approved by the Order No. 184 dated 23.06.2017. It consists of receiving of required data from donor, his/her medical examination and laboratory blood examination (screening).

In order to get into the number of donors, it is required to fill in medical check list and to pass the interview.

Record keeper of department of donor blood preparation checks the correctness of the data in the donor’s card and identifying document and according to the results of the interview conducts first registration (surname, name, patronymic, blood transfusion registration number, blood group record number, blood group) and blood analysis for preparation of blood and vacuum container delivery date. 

Blood banking takes in donors by the following documents:

Turkmenistan citizens – by passport, members of the service – by military certification ot personal officer certification.

Foreign citizens or persons without citizenship – by permanent residence permit.

Donor who is accepted for donation must write a written consent on examination of his blood bloodborne viruses infection (HIV infection, viral hepatitis, brucellosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, malaria).

Requirements for whole blood donation and plasma donation have also been established.

Thuswise, donors are not allowed to donate blood more often than five times a year with an interval of at least sixty days between donations, regardless of the amount. After five blood transfusions, a break is made for at least three months.

Before donation, the donor is given a soft drink or sweet tea, and after that – food or monetary compensation for food.

We recall you that in accordance with the Law on the day of donation of blood and its components, as well as on the day of medical examination, the donor is released from work with the preservation of his average earnings for these days. Pupils of lyceums and colleges, university students, other categories of students on the day of donating blood and its components, as well as on the day of medical examination, are exempt from classes, and military personnel are exempt from carrying orders, watches and other forms of service.

The law also establishes that immediately after each day of donating blood and its components, the donor is provided with an additional day of rest, while maintaining his average earnings. The specified day of rest, at the request of the donor, can be added to the annual labor leave.

As per the Procedure, only specialized medical institutions are entitled to collect, procure, process, store donated blood and its components.

The document was adopted in the state language. The full text of the document can be found in the Legal Information Center of the Ministry of Justice.

The order entered into force on the day of its registration by the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan.


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