
The President of Turkmenistan held a video conference


Workshop on digital video conference was held today by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of agriculture, as well as hyakims of velayats and Ashgabat city.

According to the state news Agency of Turkmenistan, the meeting discussed current issues of socio-economic development of the country's regions.

The head of state was the first to call the mayor of Ashgabat, Y. Gylyjov, who reported on the measures taken to improve the capital, green the city, modernize the road transport network, build residential buildings and other facilities.

As reported, practical steps are being taken to maintain cleanliness, ensure proper operational condition of all structures, technical communications, uninterrupted operation of power grids and other systems. According to the schedule, construction works are underway.

After hearing the report, the President asked about preparations for the upcoming celebrations in April, dedicated to the world health day and the National holiday of the Turkmen horse.

The head of state stressed the importance of competent application of advanced technologies and best international experience in modernizing urban infrastructure, including in the design of new facilities.

Having ordered to keep under control the issues of improving the environmental situation of the main city of the country, to plant ornamental trees along roads, to expand the territory of Park zones, the President of Turkmenistan addressed specific instructions to hyakim.

Then, using a digital video link, the hyakim of the Akhal velayat Y. Gurbanov reported on the work being carried out in the region, in particular, the preparation for cotton sowing. As reported, the winter grain crops are currently being taken care of. The necessary measures are being taken to obtain rich yields of fruit and vegetable crops, potatoes, etc.

A separate topic of the report was the results of the mass gardening campaign, as well as the steps being taken to further improve the velayat. It was reported on the pace of construction of socio-cultural and industrial facilities, planned events on the occasion of upcoming holidays.

Summing up the report, the head of state noted that it is necessary to speed up the spring sowing campaign, conduct it in an organized manner and on time. It is necessary that all equipment is fully used, the President continued, stressing that in the future it will be necessary to take care of cotton in accordance with the norms of agricultural technology.

Among the urgent tasks, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called the activation of works on feeding wheat fields with mineral fertilizers and vegetation irrigation.

Focusing on the issues of organized spring planting of seedlings, the head of state instructed hyakim to keep the focus on the completion of the campaign on time and proper care of the planted trees.

A separate order related to ensuring a high level of preparation for the upcoming celebrations on the occasion of the world health day and the National holiday of the Turkmen horse.

The President called on the direct video link of hyakim Balkan Province T. Atahalliyev, report on the situation in the seaside region on the ongoing agro-technical works on the care of crops of winter crops, preparation of land, proper equipment and inventory to responsible agricultural campaigns. There was also a report on the results of the national campaign to plant trees and planned celebrations for April. 

The head of state ordered to ensure a high level of equipment readiness for launch everywhere in the region, and to keep the timely resolution of all organizational issues in the center of constant attention. The emphasis was placed on the importance of proper care for winter grain seedlings due to vegetation irrigation and mineral fertilization.

One of the priority tasks is to achieve high crop yields, including vegetables and potatoes. In this context, specific instructions were addressed to hyakim. The President also ordered to complete the spring gardening campaign as soon as possible.

After inquiring about the program of upcoming celebrations dedicated to the world health day and the National holiday of the Turkmen horse, the Turkmen leader gave instructions to the head of the regional administration to ensure a high level of holding of the planned sports and cultural events.

Further, hyakim of Dashoguz velayat N. Nazarmyradov reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural work, the implementation of instructions previously given by the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the steps taken to organize preparation for spring sowing, as well as the results of the campaign for mass planting of trees.

At the same time, it was reported about the activities carried out in accordance with agro technical standards for the care of land sown with winter grains. There was also a report on the planned celebrations in the region in honor of the upcoming holidays.

After hearing the report, the President of Turkmenistan addressed a number of specific instructions to the head of the administration of the Northern region to conduct seasonal campaigns at a high-quality level and within the established time frame. In this context, special emphasis was placed on tasks related to the care of winter wheat, planting of vegetable and potato crops, and ensuring readiness for sowing cotton.

Touching upon the theme of the mass action on tree planting, the head of Turkmenistan noted that work in this direction should be completed in the shortest possible time and in the future properly take care of the created green zones.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that major sporting and cultural events are planned for the upcoming month on the occasion of the world health day and the National holiday of the Turkmen horse, and ordered to ensure a high level of celebrations. In this context, it was instructed to monitor the level of operation of equestrian complexes and stadiums, as well as road transport infrastructure.

Then the hyakim of Lebap velayat Sh. Amangeldiev reported on the state of Affairs in the region, the pace of preparation for the start of the sowing campaign. There was also a report on the results of the spring gardening campaign and planned sports and cultural events dedicated to the upcoming holidays in April.

Noting the importance of the cotton sowing campaign, the head of Turkmenistan demanded that it be carried out within the established time frame and in accordance with agro technical standards. To organize the work at the proper level, it is necessary to provide all the structures involved in this process with the necessary resources in full, including equipment, the President continued.

The importance of a responsible approach to the issues of high-quality care of winter crops, vegetables, potatoes, etc. was noted. a Separate order related to the completion of spring planting of trees at the scheduled time.

Touching upon the upcoming celebrations dedicated to the world health day and the national holiday of the Turkmen horse, the head of state addressed specific instructions to hyakim.

Then, by video link, D. Annaberdiev, the head of the Mary velayat, was called to the meeting and reported on the ongoing work in the region in agricultural and other areas.

A separate topic of the report was the upcoming celebrations on the occasion of the world health day widely celebrated in the country and the National holiday of the Turkmen horse. Hyakim also reported on the results of the mass gardening campaign held in the region.

After hearing the report, the President of Turkmenistan instructed hyakim to keep under constant control the progress of seasonal agricultural work, in particular, to ensure a high level of cotton sowing.

Focusing on the issues of completing tree planting within the established time frame, as well as taking care of existing areas of green space, the head of state addressed the relevant instructions to hyakim.

Speaking about the upcoming holidays in April, the President of Turkmenistan instructed to properly organize the planned sports competitions and mass cultural celebrations.

The workshop on digital video communication continued with the report of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiev. The Deputy Prime Minister informed about the state and pace of ongoing work, including the implementation of seasonal agricultural measures. It was also reported on the results of the spring gardening campaign held recently in all regions of the country.

Summing up the report, the President expressed dissatisfaction with the state of Affairs in the agro - industrial complex, one of the basic branches of the national economy. Stressing the need to maximize the potential available in this area, the head of state noted that currently agro technical measures for the care of various crops are not conducted at the proper level.

In this context, the Deputy Prime Minister was instructed to ensure an appropriate level of upcoming events with strict compliance with the standards of agricultural technology, to establish coordinated actions of the relevant services and structures.

Touching upon the topic of gardening, the President noted that environmental protection, respect for nature, and the enhancement of its beauty and riches for future generations are priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan.

Then, addressing to the hyakims of the velayats and the capital, the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov set a number of priority tasks for them.

Stressing the need to intensify agricultural work, the head of state instructed to create all conditions for high-level cotton sowing, ensuring full readiness of equipment for the beginning of winter.

It is necessary to approach the organization of agro technical events planned for these days in the most responsible way and in exact accordance with the requirements, the President said, noting the importance of proper care for the planting of potatoes and other vegetable and berry crops.

In conclusion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded to make every effort to solve the tasks set and wished the participants success in their work.

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