Aging skin: how to cheat time with simple habits


Human skin is the largest organ of our body. It protects us from harmful environmental influences, regulates body temperature and performs many other important functions. With age, the skin begins to age, which is manifested in the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, pigmentation and other changes.

To maintain youthful and beautiful skin, you need to introduce a number of habits into your lifestyle.

Daily exercise strengthens muscles, improves blood circulation and metabolism, which leads to increased skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles. Morning exercise can be replaced by jogging or any other physical activity that you like.

Water is the source of life for the entire body, including the skin. It nourishes the epidermal cells, moisturizes them and prevents premature aging. Experts recommend drinking at least 1,5 liters of fluid per day. You need to drink liquid gradually throughout the day.

Sunscreen. Ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The sun is dangerous at any time of the year, even in cloudy weather. The sun's rays penetrate the clouds and can harm the skin. Therefore, it is important to use sunscreen all year round.

Strengthening the nervous system. Stress reduces the ability of skin cells to regenerate. In order for the nervous system to function properly, it is important to maintain its health. There are many ways to strengthen the nervous system, including: walking outdoors, playing sports, meditation, talking with friends, etc.

Regular moisturizing of the skin. Human skin loses moisture every day, so it is important to use moisturizers. When choosing skincare products, it is important to consider your skin type and your age.

To maintain youthful skin, it is important to include in your diet foods rich in fatty acids and vitamins A and E.

Reduce sugar consumption. Excess sugar harms the skin no less than ultraviolet rays. Glucose destroys collagen and elastin molecules. As a result, the skin loses tone, becomes flabby and sags. If you still have a craving for sweets, then try replacing desserts with fruits.

Wash your hands often. Hands are the dirtiest part of our body. Germs and infections can cause inflammation, dermatological diseases and other health problems. Develop the habit of washing your hands not only immediately after going outside, but also throughout the day.

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep not only negatively affects the condition of the skin, but can also lead to serious health problems. During sleep, important recovery processes occur in the body. In particular, growth hormones are produced, which are responsible for cell growth and renewal.

Gadgets are the enemy of beauty. A modern person spends a lot of time on a computer, phone or tablet. This can negatively affect the condition of the skin. An uncomfortable position of the body and head impairs blood circulation, and eyes squinted from fatigue contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

Regular change of towels. A humid environment is favorable for the growth of bacteria. If towels are not changed every two to three days, bacteria will accumulate on them and can get on your skin. And since after bath procedures the pores of the epidermis open, the skin becomes more receptive.

To preserve youth, it is useful to take a contrast shower every morning. It not only improves the condition of the skin, but also strengthens the immune system. However, it is important to remember that contrast showers have contraindications.

Daily massage and facial exercises. Massage cleanses the skin of toxins, saturates it with oxygen and improves lymph flow, and gymnastics helps in the fight against fine wrinkles.

Wash your face once a day. Excessive washing can lead to dry skin and premature aging. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend washing your face only once a day - in the morning with clean warm water. In the evening, you need to use cosmetics to remove makeup and impurities.

Swimming in the pool is a great way to slow down the aging of the skin and the whole body. Moderate muscle load improves lymph flow and blood circulation, which leads to improved skin condition and increased immunity. Swimming also relieves stress and strengthens the nervous system.


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