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From smart systems to robotics: “Turkmentel-2024” will present the latest developments


The “Turkmenaragatnashyk” Agency and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan invite all those interested in scientific and technological progress and innovative developments to take part in the international exhibition and scientific conference “Turkmentel-2024”.

The international forum and exhibition, which will be held from November 14 to 16, will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of technologically advanced countries, achievements in the field of communications, as well as the latest developments in the telecommunications industry - from “smart systems” to the latest satellite and robotic technologies.

Participation is expected from executives and representatives of the world's leading information and telecommunications companies, international organizations, technology centers, as well as scientists and experts.

The conference will also be attended by members of the government of Turkmenistan, representatives of the Mejlis, ministries and industry departments, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions, international organizations, public associations, higher education institutions, mass media and honorary elders.

Within the framework of the international exhibition and scientific conference “Turkmentel-2024”, it is planned to hold multilateral negotiations and meetings as an open international platform for identifying new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation and implementing joint projects.

Also, during the forum, the winners of the competition of innovative projects “Digital Solution – 2024’ among Turkmen youth will be announced, who will be awarded valuable prizes and certificates of honor.

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