
Bust of Turkmen classic Magtymguly Fragi unveiled in Moscow


In Moscow, in the atrium of the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino, a solemn ceremony of opening the bust of Magtymguly Fragi was held. This was reported on the website of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation.

A solid delegation from Ashgabat arrived in the capital of Russia to participate in the solemn ceremony: representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, singers, poets and musicians. Among the guests of the celebration was the author of the new monument – Ashgabat sculptor Zakhid Babayev.

The general director of the library Pavel Kuzmin and the head of the Turkmen diplomatic mission in Russia Esen Aydogdyev addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.

Representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, foreign diplomats accredited in Moscow, Russian and Turkmen writers, poets, literary scholars also spoke at the ceremony.

The speakers noted that Magtymguly Fragi changed the Turkmen poetic language, bringing it closer to folk speech. His work marked the beginning of an era that experts consider part of a unique period in the history of Central Asian culture and call the “Golden Age” of Turkmen literature. The master’s works are known throughout the world and do not lose their relevance, because they vividly reflect the enduring universal values – love for the Motherland, spirituality, humanism, peacefulness, a call for creation, friendship and brotherhood. Magtymguly Fragi’s poems have been translated into dozens of world languages.

Let us recall that several monuments to the Turkmen classic have been erected in Russia: in the village of Edelbay, Blagodarensky District, Stavropol Territory (the first monument to Magtymguly on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2008); in Astrakhan (2009), in the village of Funtovo-1, Privolzhsky District, Astrakhan Region (2018).

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