
UNDP conducted a two-week course on seismic safety in Ashgabat


A two-week training seminar on the topic “Seismic Hazard, Seismic Vulnerability and Seismic Risk” was conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) within the framework of the project “Strengthening National Capacities for Seismic Risk Assessment, Prevention and Response to Potential Earthquakes”.

The course was held from August 26 to September 6 at the UN building in Ashgabat and brought together specialists from national ministries and departments working in the construction sector, as well as those involved in emergency preparedness and response.

The seminar covered modern methods of seismic hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment, with a particular focus on their application in the context of Turkmenistan. The course included a practical session where participants inspected two construction sites, one new and under construction, and one dating back to the 1950s, to assess their seismic stability.

UNDP expert Pulod Aminzoda shared his views on the evolution of seismic safety in response to major earthquakes around the world. The discussion highlighted the important role of seismic hazard maps and seismic engineering in strengthening Turkmenistan’s preparedness.

Participants also studied the experience of neighboring countries in conducting experimental dynamic studies and using their results in the practice of earthquake-resistant construction.

Practical training was conducted on seismic resistance assessment of existing buildings in both urban and rural areas, with particular attention paid to earthquake early warning systems.
UNDP Project Manager Azat Yagshymyradov:

“This training is a key element of a broader UNDP initiative in Turkmenistan to strengthen national capacity to reduce disaster risk and promote sustainable development by improving seismic safety across the country”.

Upon completion of the training, all participants received educational materials, including presentations, books and video resources on seismology, earthquake-resistant construction, seismic risk, experimental research and earthquake preparedness and response, according to a UNDP press release.

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