
Libyan virtuoso musician captivated the Ashgabat audience


Yesterday, a significant cultural event took place in the Turkmen capital - the Ashgabat public for the first time became acquainted with the art of the unique Libyan musician Hisham Errish, reports a “Turkmenportal” correspondent.
From the first chord of his oud (a plucked string instrument), the musician instantly won the hearts of the audience.

The performance was mostly solo - the stage, Hisham and his oud, but everyone who was present in the hall had a whole range of emotions born in their souls: the music that the artist gave filled all the time and space around.

When playing, Hisham's eyes shone with happiness; it was obvious that the musician received great joy and pleasure from what he was doing.

The concert program featured both ancient Libyan melodies and musical compositions at the intersection of cultures and genres. The artist showed all the beauty of Libyan music, its modulations, melody and character. He literally admired her like a jewel and inspired everyone around her. The audience mentally followed him, listening to the rhythmic Bedouin chants, as they walked the path of the caravan in the distant Libyan desert.

During the concert, Hisham, together with Turkmen musicians, performed Nury Halmamedov’s composition in his own arrangement. The audience was amazed; no one expected such a powerful, energetic reading of the favorite Turkmen composer by a Libyan musician.

At the end of the evening, Hicham prepared another surprise for the audience: he performed Niccolo Paganini’s most complex piece Caprice 24 on the oud, which was originally written for violin. The audience gave a standing ovation; the audience did not want to let the musician leave the stage.

Hisham Errish is the most famous musician in Libya, his work is also well known to fans of music from the Middle East and Europe. The artist skillfully combines ancient Libyan motifs with African, Arab and European musical traditions.

The concert was organized by the Libyan Embassy in Ashgabat. From all the spectators of yesterday's concert I would like to express my deep gratitude to the embassy and the artist himself for such a musical gift!

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