
WHO training course for specialists of veterinary service of Turkmenistan


These days, a training course on biosafety and biosecurity is being held in Ashgabat for specialists from the laboratories of the State Veterinary Service.

The training was organized with the assistance of the WHO country office in Turkmenistan, the IIC reports.

The training is attended by specialized laboratory specialists from all regions of the country.

The expert is Arslan Soltanmyradov, Head of the Department of International and Scientific Relations of the State Veterinary Service.

The training course aims to strengthen national capacity in the implementation of the “One Health” approach, including a component to strengthen the human resources of the laboratory segment of the veterinary service.

The training materials are based on the WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (LBM4) and its associated biosafety programme management guidelines.

The course uses an interactive methodology and a structured approach, using visual aids, case studies, group exercises, videos and discussions, the source notes.

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