
Intertek presented innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gases at TESC 2024 in Ashgabat


At the International Scientific Conference TESC 2024, which ended in the Turkmen capital, Intertek, a world leader in the field of sustainable development, presented its advanced solutions designed to help organizations achieve goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

In their keynote speech, Intertek experts emphasized the critical importance of combating climate change and the company’s role in supporting customers on their path to sustainability.

The company, which has solid experience in Turkmenistan, has a strong expert base of 50 highly qualified specialists and accredited laboratories throughout the country. Intertek’s in-depth knowledge of the local market and regulatory environment allows it to develop customized solutions to meet specific customer needs.
Intertek is actively involved in carbon capture projects to further contribute to Turkmenistan’s sustainable development goals.

It is worth noting that one of the main topics of TESC 2024, which brought together more than 250 scientists and experts from 31 countries, was reducing emissions from hydrocarbon development and the energy transition. The solutions presented by Intertek aroused great interest among conference participants.

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