
The international forum “Turkmenistan – the land of environmental well-being” was held


On June 5, in the large conference hall of the administrative building of the Agricultural Complex of Turkmenistan, a scientific and practical conference “Turkmenistan – a land of environmental well-being” was held, dedicated to World Environment Day.

According to TDH, the annual forum provides an opportunity to get acquainted with achievements in the field of ecology and the results of the successful implementation of state programs initiated by the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and continued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The conference, held in a hybrid format, was attended by leaders and specialists of environmental structures and industry departments, the scientific community, universities and public associations of the country, authoritative international and regional organizations, including the UN and its specialized structures.

At the plenary session, the multifaceted work carried out in Turkmenistan to ensure environmental well-being and improve legislation in this direction was comprehensively covered. As emphasized, in accordance with the national traditions of caring for nature, measures are being taken to preserve the environment, prudent use of natural resources, and develop a “green” economy.
Particular attention was paid to the ongoing active work in the country to implement the UNESCO program aimed at preserving and popularizing natural sites of particular environmental significance. An example of this is the UNESCO chairs opened at Turkmen universities on the initiative of the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The development of a fruitful partnership between Turkmenistan and authoritative international structures is evidenced by the inclusion of the State Natural Reserves “Bereketli Garagum”, “Gaplaňgyr”, and the State Biosphere Reserve in the UNESCO World Heritage List within the multilateral dossier of the nomination “Turan Temperate Deserts”, prepared through international cooperation. «Repetek» and the desert ecosystems of its reserve «Ýerajy».

The forum worked in three sections: “Main directions of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection”, “The role of ecology in the implementation of sustainable development goals”, “Issues of improving the environmental condition of the Aral Sea region”.

The sections were simultaneously held in the administrative building of the country's Agricultural Complex, the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A. Niyazov in Ashgabat and the Turkmen Agricultural Institute in the city of Dashoguz.

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