Veterans and home front workers were congratulated on Victory Day in Ashgabat


A solemn event dedicated to honoring veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers was held in Ashgabat. It was held at the Mekan Palace with the participation of representatives of various ministries, departments and public organizations, reports the IIC.

Musical pieces were played at the event, reminding those present of the difficult years of war and the feat of those who defended peace and freedom.

During the Great Patriotic War, Turkmenistan became a refuge for evacuees from besieged cities, hospitals were established here, and formations of Turkmen soldiers like the 33rd separate mortar brigade and rifle divisions became famous for their heroism.

More than 300 thousand Turkmen citizens took part in the hostilities, many of them were awarded the highest awards, including the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Glory. Home front workers also made a significant contribution, providing the front with everything necessary and donating more than seven tons of gold and silver jewelry for the construction of tanks and aircraft.

In modern Turkmenistan, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and persons equivalent to them have the right to social benefits, including free utilities and priority medical care.

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