A sports and music marathon for children with special needs was held in Ashgabat


On March 30, the public organization “Yenme” held a sports and music marathon for children with special needs.

The event, entitled “There's Sunshine in Every Child”, was timed to coincide with important dates: March 21 - World Down Syndrome Day and April 2 - World Autism Awareness Day.

The event aimed to attract public attention to these important dates and together create an inclusive society.

The marathon took place at the “Bagtyyarlyk” sports complex and included practical dance master classes, an entertainment program, presentation of gifts to children, and a photo shoot.

There was a festive atmosphere here, the participants of which were not only families with children, but their friends, partners of the organization, dance groups and volunteers.

The “Yenme” public organization expresses gratitude to its partners, the management of the sports complex and the volunteers who took part in organizing the children's holiday.

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