
Turkmenistan will produce 2100 tons of silkworm cocoons in 2024


In 2024, 2,100 tons of silkworm cocoons will be produced in Turkmenistan, including in Ahal velayat - 155 tons, Balkan velayat - 25 tons, Dashoguz velayat - 500 tons, Lebap velayat - 1010 tons, Mary velayat - 410 tons.

The decree on this was signed by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, ordering the State Concern Türkmenpagta and the velayat hyakimliks to ensure this production.

The State Concern Türkmenpagta is instructed to conclude general agreements with the velayat hyakimliks for the production of silkworm cocoons, as well as to provide velayat farmer associations, agricultural enterprises, farmsteads, tenants and landowners with the necessary volume of high-quality silkworm eggs.

The hyakimliks of the velayats were ordered to ensure the full implementation of contractual obligations for the production of silkworm cocoons.

The document was signed in order to successfully solve the problems of developing the country’s sericulture industry, as well as increasing the volume and improving the quality of silkworm cocoons produced, TDH reports.

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