
The main news of Turkmenistan on January 20 – Turkmenportal


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ashgabat intends to strengthen partnership with the OSCE, Turkmenistan is introducing the “Electronic Government” system and other news


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, at which key issues of the socio-economic development of the country were discussed.

Special attention was paid to the Investment Program of Turkmenistan for 2024. As Deputy Prime Minister Baymyrat Annamammedov reported, it includes large-scale infrastructure projects. In particular, it is planned to continue the construction of the strategic TAPI gas pipeline, a new airport in the Balkan velayat, and a combined power plant with a capacity of 1574 MW.

It is also planned to implement such large projects as the “Ashgabat-Turkmenabat” international highway and a bridge across the Garabogaz kol Bay. The second stage of construction of the region’s first innovative “smart city” will be carried out in the city of Arkadag.

In 2024, Turkmenistan will hold a number of events aimed at expanding cooperation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. In the first half of this year, Ashgabat will host an international conference “The Role of Neutral States in Strengthening Security and Trust in the OSCE Region”, which is designed to reveal the important role of Turkmenistan’s neutrality status in ensuring peace, security and sustainable development.

It is expected that the OSCE Secretary General will arrive in Turkmenistan in March to strengthen ties, and the Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the head of the Anti-Terrorism Committee of this Assembly will arrive in April.

Turkmenistan will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Ayhan Hajiyev. On the occasion of the anniversary, it is planned to organize an exhibition dedicated to his work. People's Artist of Turkmenistan, laureate of the International Prize named after. Magtymguly professor in the field of culture Ayhan Hajiyev is known as the creator of the canonical image of Magtymguly.

At the meeting of the Government of Turkmenistan, the development of the digital economy and national electronic communications systems was discussed. As the head of the Agency of Transport and Communications, Mammethan Chakyev, reported, advanced IT technologies are being actively introduced in the country and the list of digital services is expanding. Particular attention is paid to the creation of the “Electronic Government” system, which is successfully used in world practice.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution “On planned measures to strengthen work to ensure cybersecurity in Turkmenistan”. The document was adopted in connection with the ongoing work aimed at strengthening the country’s cybersecurity and training high-level specialists in this field and in the field of information technology.


The “Miss World 2024” beauty pageant will be held in India in February and March. The event will be hosted by the cities of New Delhi and Mumbai. The opening ceremony will be held on February 20, and the final and announcement of the winners will be held on March 9. Girls from 120 countries who won national beauty contests will take part in the competition. 20 of them will reach the finals.

By the end of the 21st century, thousands of ghost towns may appear in the United States, American scientists say. In their opinion, the reason for this will be a drop in the population of modern megacities by 12-23. Scientists believe that at the end of the century the world will experience significant climate change, which will be aggravated by problems with a lack of drinking water and a transport crisis. In this regard, most large cities will face an outflow of population. As a result, megacities will begin to fragment, and the number of their inhabitants will decrease significantly. Grocery stores will close, and electricity supplies and social infrastructure will deteriorate.


International master of sports in combat sambo, three-time World Cup winner, Asian champion and world champion in pankration, Turkmen fighter Abdulla Babayev entered into an agreement with the promotion company Fight Nights Global. Abdulla Babayev is a representative of the sports organization Gala Sports Management. The debut fight of the Turkmen athlete within the framework of the Fight Nights Global tournament will be held on February 23 in Moscow. His opponent has not yet been named, but will be announced soon.

24-year-old chess player, international master from Turkmenistan Saparmurat Atabayev became the winner of the prestigious “White Elephant” tournament in Türkiye. 27 chess players took part in the competition. The tournament was held according to the Swiss system in 7 rounds. Atabayev scored 6 wins and 1 draw, gaining 6,5 points. This was enough to get ahead of his closest pursuer, the Turkish master Tarkhan Adar.

The Football Federation of Turkmenistan hosted a pre-season meeting dedicated to futsal with the participation of managers and coaches of Turkmenistan Super League clubs. The main topics of discussion were the order and calendar of the upcoming season of the championship and the Turkmenistan Futsal Cup. The meeting participants exchanged views on the upcoming matches and agreed on organizational issues.

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