
The Vice-President of the European Commission will visit Turkmenistan on January 17


A delegation of the European Commission led by Vice-President Margaritis Schinas will pay a working visit to Turkmenistan on January 17 within the framework of a tour of the countries of Central Asia, reports the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan in a press release.

The visit precedes the “Europe-Central Asia” Investment Forum, which will be held in Brussels on January 29-30, and is evidence of the growing partnership between the EU and the Central Asian region.

During his visit to Ashgabat, Schinas is expected to meet with the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as the country's Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov.

Let us remind that the delegation of Turkmenistan will take part in the Global Gateway investment forum on sustainable transport “EU - Central Asia” in Brussels, where it will hold a meeting on the topic “Investment opportunities of the transport complex of Turkmenistan”.

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