
Japanese pesticide manufacturer pays tribute to insects killed during research


Japanese pesticide company Earth Corporation held a ceremony to honor the insects that died during research. This event has already become traditional for the company, which holds it annually, reports with reference to Oddity Central.

The ceremony took place at Myodoji Temple in the small town of Ako, where Earth Corporation's research center is located. It was attended by 60 company employees and a Taoist priest.

The priest said prayers in front of dozens of photographs of dead insects. Near the altar of the temple, images of mosquitoes, ticks, flies and cockroaches were placed.

Earth Corporation holds the ceremony to show that it does not take even tiny creatures for granted. The company believes that insect sacrifices are not in vain, as they help protect people from dangerous pests.

Earth Corporation raises insects in its own research center in Ako City. There are always more than 1 million cockroaches and over 100 million mites in the center. The company tests the effectiveness of its products on these insects.

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