
Astrakhan State University has established cooperation with three universities of Turkmenistan


This year, Astrakhan State University (ASU) signed cooperation agreements with three higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan, writes the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper.

Igor Derzhavin, a junior researcher at the Scientific Joint Laboratory for the Design and Physical and Chemical Research of Oxide Magnetic Materials of ASU and the Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about this on the sidelines of the international youth forum in Ashgabat.

According to him, the Turkmen and Russian sides agreed to implement joint educational, scientific and cultural projects. A roadmap for implementing this cooperation has already been developed.

Within the framework of the agreements, online lectures, international round tables, and scientific and practical conferences are held. For example, ASU teachers take part in educational exhibitions and conferences in Turkmenistan.

In addition, ASU student Olga Kunyashova won a bronze medal at the International Internet Olympiad in Chemistry, organized by the Turkmen university. And Igor Derzhavin himself received silver at a scientific competition in Turkmenistan.

According to Derzhavin, such cooperation contributes to the growth of students’ knowledge and strengthening of friendly contacts between Turkmen and Russian universities.

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