
Halk Maslahaty rejected the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2023 adopted by the Mejlis, screenings of Tajik films opened in Ashgabat, the total volume of trade between Turkmenistan and the UAE showed an incredible growth in 2022


1. The Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh rejected the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2023 adopted this month by the Mejlis, returning the draft of the relevant Law for revision to the legislative chamber of the Parliament. Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Milli Gengesh Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the state budget provides for insufficient measures to address issues of ensuring employment of the population and further improving the living standards of the people.

2. Within the framework of the Days of Culture of Tajikistan in Turkmenistan, a meeting of filmmakers from the two countries was held at the “Ashgabat” cinema and a feature film “The Last Prey of a Hunter” was shown. The full-length film directed by Muhammadrabi Ismoilov is based on the novel by Abrori Zahir and tells the story of the Tajik hunter Sayyod, who finds a girl in the water, falls in love with her and connects his fate with her.

3. In 2022, the total volume of trade, excluding oil, between the UAE and Turkmenistan showed an incredible growth, reaching 653 million USD in the first 9 months. This is 296% more than last year.

4. A program for youth TechYouth Bootcamp is starting in Turkmenistan, within the framework of which free courses in the field of digital education will be organized. Applications are accepted from candidates aged 18-25 years.

5. Filmmakers from Turkmenistan were awarded a prize, following the results of the short film competition “Shoot in 48 hours”. In the category “Best Action” the winner was the MM Production team directed by Myratgeldy Mollayev with the work “Parallel World”.

6. A new version of the mobile application for calling a taxi in Ashgabat has become available in the App Store. Earlier, in mid-November, the developers of Onlaýn taksi released a completely new version of the mobile application for calling a taxi. Initially, the program was available only to users of smartphones on the Android platform, but now users of devices on the iOS axis can also evaluate the updated functionality of the application. Note that for the application to work properly, first it is necessary uninstall the old version of the program, and then download the new one. The Onlaýn taksi service works around the clock, you can also order a taxi in Ashgabat by calling the short number 0655.

7. The name of the world's first para-astronaut has become known, he became the Paralympic sprinter John McFall. Briton John McFall has joined a new detachment of 17 people who will be trained for future space flights. The para-astronaut, 40, lost his right leg above the knee at 19 after a serious motorcycle accident.

8. Twins Lydia and Timothy Ridgeway, born in the USA, can be considered the oldest newborns - they were born from embryos frozen in 1992, that is, 30 years ago. This is a record time for freezing embryos for artificial insemination, which ended with the appearance of a viable newborn.

9. Kurban Berdyev asked the management of “Tractor” to release him from the post of head coach of the team. “I have to return to Russia,” the official website of the club from Tabriz quotes Berdyev as saying. It is noted that the request of Kurban Berdyev will be considered at a meeting of the board of directors of “Traktor” in the coming days. Last week it was reported that Berdyev could become the new head coach of the “Sochi” football club.

10. The finalists of the Cup of Turkmenistan of the 2022 season have been determined. In the decisive match, the teams “Shagadam” and “Ahal” will meet. The final of the Cup of Turkmenistan of the 2022 season will be held on December 11. The Football Federation of Turkmenistan noted that the confrontation has a special connotation, since it was “Shagadam” and “Ahal” that met in the final of the last draw, where the Turkmenbashi football players won with a minimum score.

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