Winners of the online Russian language Olympiad announced in Turkmenistan


Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi determined the winners and prize-winners of the online Olympiad in the Russian language "The Wealth of Language - the Wealth of the People", which was held among 17 universities of the country, reports "Turkmenistan: Golden Age".

The Olympiad was attended by 85 students (five people from each university).

The seats were distributed as follows:

  • Grand Prix - Yunus Bayramdurdyev, student of the Engineering and Technological University of Turkmenistan named after Oguzhan.
  • 1st place - Yunus Omurov, student of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan.
  • 2nd place - Soyle Durdyeva, student of the International University of Humanities and Development and Ilyas Atabaev, student of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. S.A. Niyazov.
  • 3rd place - Batyr Durdynazarov, student of the Turkmen Agricultural University named after S. S.A. Niyazova, Kerim Nurgeldyev and Nuryagdy Tosyev, students of the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan.

The goal of the Olympiad was to test the general level of Russian language proficiency, to identify talented and capable students who know a foreign language perfect.

Students of the Institute of Languages intentionally did not participate in the Olympiad in order to most objectively and accurately assess the knowledge of other participants, to give them the opportunity to prove themselves.

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