
Berdimuhamedov's new book "Spiritual world of Turkmens" was presented in Ashgabat



The presentation of a new book by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - "the Spiritual world of Turkmens "took place today at the Mekan Palace in the capital.

According to the state news Agency of Turkmenistan, the ceremony was preceded by an exhibition, the centerpiece of which was a new work of the head of state. Other books, scientific monographs, fundamental multi-volume works of the President, which are very popular in the country and abroad, as well as various publications about modern Turkmenistan were also presented here.

The celebration was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Mahrijemal Mammedova, who oversees the sphere of culture and mass media, representatives of relevant departments and mass media, cultural and art figures. The speakers emphasized the exceptional importance of the new book, whose main thread runs through the entire content of which is the idea of the need for deep study, preservation and wide promotion of the greatest cultural heritage, which is the primary basis for further spiritual growth of Turkmens in the new historical era.

As noted, the release of new outstanding literary work of the head of state will further promote the rich spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people, but also allows to assess the scale under the guidance of the head of state collection, the detailed study and promote the unique folk art and a priceless intangible asset. 

The book consists of twelve chapters, which are detailed about such important concepts as the beauty and value of life, prosperity on earth, and the eternity of existence. Much attention is paid to the importance of science and education in the development of society, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and the education of such invaluable qualities as hard work, prudence, and the ability to successfully complete a job.

Studying and following original national traditions and customs, high principles of society is always of great importance in educating the younger generation in the spirit of true patriotism and original spiritual and moral values that have been formed over the centuries.

That is why the Turkmen leader emphasizes in the book that the careful preservation and continuity of the experience of previous generations and its transfer to future ones is a duty that each of us faces.

Poets and masters of arts who spoke at the presentation noted that the new work of the head of Turkmenistan will help preserve the continuity and further popularize the national spiritual values of the Turkmen people.

The presentation of a new book by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov - "the Spiritual world of Turkmens" was also held today at the Makhtumkuli Turkmen state University. The event was attended by the heads of the national education system, representatives of the teaching staff of universities, students.

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