
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers


President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of national economy have been summed up for the first half of the year, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports. 

Highlighting the points of agenda, the Head of the state gave floor for report to Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov who informed that stable development remains in all branches of national economy by the outcomes for January – June 2019.

As of July 1 of this year, the revenue of the State budget has reached 103.5 percent while expenditure part is 84.9 percent.

40 sessions of the Balance commission including 39 regional sessions have been held for the first half of the year.

The volume of drawn investments from all sources of financing was 16 billion manats or 26.6 percent in relation to the GDP for the period under review. The investment programme has been fulfilled by 41.5 percent.

It was reported on the realization of new edition of National programme of improvement of social and living conditions of the rural population until 2020.

Having listened to the report, the President highlighted that strict control of timely fulfilment of the activities outlined in the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 is one of the utmost objectives of the Ministry. As of today, the work in this direction is not carried out on proper level, the President continued, having addressed the head of the department with specific assignments.

After, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev reported on the work carried out by credit departments for January – June. The information about the fulfilment of the plan of income of foreign currency to the account of ministries and departments for export of goods and services has been presented.

For the first half of the year, the volumes of credits granted by the banks of the country for development of the economy have been increased by 9.9 percent for the first half of 2019. The volumes of credits given to non-governmental sector was increased by 26.1 percent.

The volume of beneficial credits given for support of private entrepreneurship activity is 14.8 percent higher than in the same period of 2018. Number of projects under financing has reached 1,695.

The Head of the Central Bank has also informed about practical measures for transit to digital economy.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed Vice-premiers Ch. Purchekov and M. Chakiyev, having noted the reduction of volumes of foreign currency to the accounts of ministries and departments under their supervision for export goods and services. Having focused the attention of Minister of Energy M. Artykov and Head of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency D. Saburov on proper fulfilment of relative plans by these organizations, Turkmen leader ordered to take necessary measures for solution of set objectives.

Chairman of Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushikov reported on the results of analysis of construction works in the velayats carried out by the order of the President of Turkmenistan and on detected deficiencies.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State focused the attention of the Head of this structure on topical directions of coming work. Control of the course of construction works of production, social and cultural facilities in the regions of the country is among the main directions. Objectives in this sphere are not solved on proper level, the President noted, having ordered to attract the representatives of the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs to the realization of relative programme.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the results of development of national economy for the first half of the year.the Vice-premier informed that stable growth is provided in all branches and regions for the period under review and life level of the population is increased.

The growth rate of production is 6.7 percent higher by the outcomes of January – June comparing with the same period on 2018.

Reporting on the volumes of retail trade, the Vice-premier informed that this indicator has increased by 19.1 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Average salary wages was increased by 9.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. Salary wages, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships has been paid out on time and in full volume.

Construction works has been completed at 7 out of 242 facilities, which are planned to be built and reconstructed, construction and installation works are continued at 98 facilities and preparatory works are carried out on the rest of the facilities for the period under review under the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025.

It is necessary to continue work for digitization of the economy for provision of long-term stable growth of all sectors of national economy, Turkmen leader highlighted.

He Vice-premier was ordered to hold under attention the fulfilment of objectives set out in the State and National programmes in including the programme of increment of volumes of import substitutive production and export of local goods as well as construction of social and living facilities.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the results of implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030 for the first half of the year.

Summing up the report, the President addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments related to improvement of efficiency of activity of production facilities of the State Concerns Türkmennebit and Türkmengaz as well as the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa and Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex.

Special attention has to be paid to diversification of energy resources supply to the world market including the realization of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The President of Turkmenistan ordered to develop marketing strategy of the plant for production of synthetic gasoline from natural gas, including such aspect as the sale of eco-friendly vehicle fuel produced by new petrochemical complex in the world markets.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev made report on the outcomes of activity of the ministers and departments of industrial and communication complex of Turkmenistan in January – June. The production plan was executed by 112.7 percent by these enterprises.

The growth rate of production by the Ministry of Textile Industry has reached 153 percent.

For the period under review, the growth rate of production of mineral fertilizers by the facilities of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa was 153 percent, the plan for production of technical iodine was fulfilled by 113.7 percent.

The growth rate of production and services of the Minsitry of Industry and Communication was equal to 109.3 percent.

The same indicator of Türkmensenagat Agency was 109.3 percent, Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency – 124.2 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency – 100.9 percent, Türkmenhowaýollary Agency – 109.3 percent, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency – 173.6 percent, Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency – 106.5 percent.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out low rates of the work for creation of electronic industry. In this regard, the Vice-premier was requested to develop the interdepartmental strategy for development of electronic industry to present it for approval by the end of 2019.

It is necessary to develop complex of measures for provision of conditions for development of microelectronics project centres as well as priority directions of cooperation with foreign manufacturers. At the same time, the Head of the State ordered to elaborate and make the system of training of profile specialists who would deal with solution of perspective objectives of electronic industry.

It was highlighted that it is necessary to continue the reconstruction of railways and motor roads, to look for investments for construction of new airports, development of communication systems. In addition, it is necessary to train specialists in different directions and to receive international certificates.

In this context, the Head of the State focused on immediate measures for provision of full scale operation of Turkmenbashy International Port as well as ordered to elaborate on the subject of opening of transport and logistic centres.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work for development of trade sphere and private sector of economy in January – June 2019.

The growth rate of total volume of trade for the first half of the year by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations was 19.9 percent. At the same time, the retail trade increased by 15.3 percent while wholesale trade by 23.5 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 124 trade session where 15,227 contracts have been signed.

The volume of services by the Trade and Industrial Chamber has grown by 24.5 percent in monetary equivalent. Seven exhibitions and 11 conferences have been held for the period under review.

Facilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs made 5.7 percent more of industrial production while agricultural production 6 percent more.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that for past half year, the volumes of import of goods reduced by 19 percent while the export has increased by 12 percent. In other words, the organization of import substitutive production gives good results. However, there are many unused reserves in this field.

The Head of the State gave orders to Vice-premiers Ch. Gylyjov and G. Myradov as well as the heads of ministries and departments to activate work for increment of export volumes of local production, expansion of the relations with foreign partners.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported to the President about the results of activity of construction and energy complexes, structures of the sphere of municipal services and capital administration for January – June this year.

The plan of works and services of the Administration of Ashgabat was fulfilled by 110.3 percent with the growth rate of 106.8 percent.

The plan of works and services of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture for six months of the year was executed by 100.6 percent with the growth rate of 104.5 percent.

The plan of production, works and services was executed by 101.4 percent by the Ministry of Energy.

Large-scale construction of new cities and settlements has started in Turkmenistan. In this regard, we need powerful industry for production construction materials including cement, metal constructions as well as tiling materials in big volumes, the Head of the State highlighted.

It is necessary to continue the work related to the projects of production and export of electrical energy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out.

Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the activity of the structures under her supervision for the first half of the year.

Having listened to the report, the President pointed out the necessity of active involvement of profile infrastructure, which was made for the last few years, including the capabilities of digital television, artificial satellite, libraries, theatres and museums, other cultural places located in modern buildings for popularization of spiritual values and history of Turkmen nation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision in January – June 2019 and noted that educational programmes and plans of 12-year school education are improved. The Concept of development of school education system and the Concept of improvement of teaching foreign languages in Turkmenistan are steadily implemented.

Having successfully performed at international subject and projects contests, school students of the country won 33 gold, 31 silvers and 69 bronze medals. University students representing Turkmenistan in international subject contests won 3 gold, 7 silver and 11 bronze medals and 30 gold, 64 silver and 59 bronze medals at internet contests.

Relative agreements have been achieved in this sphere in international cooperation of Turkmenistan, which resulted in signing of 17 documents.

Reforms in the sphere of national health protection are continued. Active work is carried out under the cooperation with international organizations in this field. Spectrum of medical services as well as their quality are systematically expanded and improved; advanced methods are implemented.

Big work is carried out in the country for development of physical training and sports, Olympic movement and expansion of cooperation in this sphere. Turkmenistan received the right to host 2020 World Sambo Championship and 2021 World Track Cycling Championship.

National team continues training and educational process for preparation to XXXII Summer Olympic Games, which would be held in Tokyo in 2020.

For the period under review, 95 local competitions and 40 mass sport events have been held in the country. Our sportsmen took part in 82 international competitions, namely in 8 world championships, 17 Asian championships and 57 international tournaments, having won totally 166 medals – 63 gold, 52 silver and 51 bronze medals.

Addressing the Vice-premier P. Agamyradov and Minister of education M. Geldiniyazov, the Head of the State focused on responsible objectives – coming enrolment of students to high educational institute.

We have to understand very well that if the country would not have educated youth and highly qualified specialists, it would not have future, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The Head of the State has also ordered the deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers who supervises educational sphere together with Vice-premier G. Myradov to study the work of teachers in rural areas. They have to receive a significant pay raise as well as to be provide with living on beneficial terms, the President said, having ordered to prepare the proposals on this account.

In addition, it was ordered to develop the project of the complex of buildings of IT Centre, to choose the place for construction of the centre and to train the personnel of this Centre of Information Technologies.

After, the Head of the State called recently appointed Directors of universities of the country, having given specific objectives to each of them according to specialization of high educational institutes.

Addressing new head of M. Garriyev State Medical University of Turkmenistan N. Myratnazarova, the President noted that centralized hospitals are built currently in the velayats, for which qualified specialists are required. These medical centres will have to be included to practical work of the students - the future doctors, to coordinate the studies in new facilities and to renew the methodology on educational process.

The President ordered the Director of Turkmen State Institute of culture A. Aydogdiyev to enforce the attention to the subjects of protection and popularization of rich historical heritage of the ancestors, its succession by new generation of cultural personnel.

The Head of the State pointed out the necessity of scientific approach to training of various coaches and sportsmen to Director of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Training and Sports A. Saparov. Our country has considerable equipment and facility base in this sphere and it is important to implement all entire potential and advance educational methods. In the future, specialized academies have to be opened for training of professional coaches and sportsmen.

The Head of the State drew the attention of Director of Dovletmammet Azadi Turkemn National Institute of World Languages M. Kuliyeva on the importance of study of languages of those states, with which our country has established fruitful economic relations including Japan, China, the Republic of Korea and other.

Director of Turkmen State Financial Institute B. Tangryberdiyev was ordered to develop scientific foundations for training of specialists in the context of digitization of national economy, wide implementation of advanced information and communication technologies in banking business, etc.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov order Director of the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan S. Nazarov to pay attention to the modernization of educational and methodological process including in directions related to personnel provision of activity of combined gas turbine power station at Mary State Power Station. We would continue developing energy systems of the country, increasing the production capacities in this sphere, therefore the specialists of this profile would be on high demand, the President said.

The Head of the State gave order to Director of Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory R. Amangeldiyev to think over the opening of the museum of legendary opera singer, master of Turkmen musical art, which name was given to this educational facility. The President also noted that Turkmens have 72 national musical instruments. It is important not to lose this historical link including by the improvement of these instruments in new forms, training of virtuosic play of these instruments given to young musicians by experienced masters.

The Head of the State wished big success in work to newly appointed heads of the universities, having expressed the hope that they would justify the trust and would put all efforts for solution of important objective – training of qualified personnel of new formation.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the results of activity of the Ministry for the first half of the year in the context of realization of the Concept of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023 and fulfilment of assignments given by the Head of the State.

Visits of the heads of number of foreign states to Turkmenistan as well as the visit of the Head of the State to the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation were held this year. Important agreements achieved by the outcomes of the visits and signed documents gave new impulse to development of efficient partnership.

Session of the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the CIS was held under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Number of session of joint Intergovernmental Commissions and other relative structures as well as business forums were held for further intensification of fruitful trade, economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation with foreign partners.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the Vice-premier, the Head of the Foreign Ministry to start the preparation to the events related to coming visits as well as to develop the plan of participation of neutral Turkmenistan in activity of international organizations.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the state highlighted that it is necessary to prepare to all planned big events in the context of the chairing of our country in the Commonwealth of Independent States and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea. All of them have to be carried out until the end of the year on high organizational level.

It is necessary to prepare the participation of Turkmenistan delegation in the session of the UN General Assembly on proper level. It is also necessary to prepare to the International Neutrality Day and other relative events, the Head of the state pointed out summing up what was said.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova infroemd about the results of activity of national Parliament for six months of the year for future improvement of legislation as well as on preparation to the next session of the People’s Council.

Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of coming session of the People’s Council, which would be held on the threshold of the Independence Day on September 25. Award ceremony of the citizens who are honoured with state awards for success in work will be held on the same day.

Continuing the session, the President of Turkmenistan has listened to the reports of the heads of regional administrations and agricultural complex of the country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for six months of the year and seasonal field works in the region.

In general, the growth rate of production volumes, works and services was 112.5 percent by agricultural complex. This indicators has reached 112.9 percent by the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection, 109.6 percent by the State Water Management Committee, 105.6 percent by the State Association Türkmen atlary. The plan of development of investments was fulfilled by 108.4 percent.

These day, the cotton producers of the country carry out the works for inter-row cultivation of the fields, mineral fertilization and vegetation irrigation according to agrotechnical standards.

The Vice-premier informed that the grain producers of the country produced more than 1,650,000 tons of wheat, having successfully completed contractual obligations.

Addressing the Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, Hyakims of velayats and etraps, heads of agricultural complex, the Head of the State pointed out their attention at the issues of further implementation of the programmes of development of the branch, especially those related to the increment of volumes of cotton production.

Summing up the outcomes of the session and addressing the participants, the President noted that the steps on the way to the implementation of important reforms have been made for the past six months.

Turkmenistan continued active cooperation with the United Nations Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other international organizations on provision of energy, water and ecological safety, creation of transport infrastructure, development of educational and cultural systems, protection of rights and freedoms of people, strengthening of global security.

Regarding home strategy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that reliable tax and budget, monetary and crediting policy is supported in the country, investments to state and private infrastructures are constantly growing.

Good results in production and service have been achieved in some branches of national economy, which allowed reaching the growth of GDP on 6.2 percent level, the Head of Turkmenistan said. The revenue of the State budget has grown. Therefore, the conditions for the increment of average salary wages have appeared. The rate of national currency remains stable and preserved on the same level.

We have taken part in the opening ceremony of unique the only in the world plant for production of gasoline from natural gas, which is provided with latest technologies and equipment rom famous companies. Such big projects make the conditions for turning of our country into one of the centres of ‘green’ economy. Opening similar production facilities is an important direction fo further development of the economy of our country. I would provide energy, ecological and technological safety, diversification of the hydrocarbons placement in the markets, the President highlighted.

Having noted that farmers have produced rich harvest of grain this year, the President congratulated all grain producers on successful fulfilment of contractual obligations and production of more than 1,650,000 tons of wheat.

After, the children, young messengers from each velayat have entered the hall. Having congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on successful completion of harvest campaign, the children presented symbolical gifts – the bouquets made of full wheat ears. According to the request of children, Turkmen leader took photo with them for the memory.

Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President wished strong health and great success in work to all participants.

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