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Milk: benefits and harm. 8 popular questions about milk and their answers


Since childhood, we have been told that milk is healthy. It contains calcium, essential for strong bones and teeth. But the older we get, the more often we hear about the dangers of milk. Some say it leads to obesity, aging skin and bloating, and is contraindicated after age 65.

The online newspaper collected in an article doctors’ answers to 8 popular questions about milk.

What is the benefit of milk?

Milk is a storehouse of beneficial substances. It contains lactic acid, which has antibacterial properties, and lactose, which supports intestinal health. The calcium in milk strengthens bones and teeth. However, research shows that drinking milk does not reduce the risk of bone fractures in women aged 34 to 59 years.

Milk contains proteins that are involved in the formation of muscle tissue. Drinking milk in combination with exercise may help delay the onset of sarcopenia, an age-related disease characterized by loss of muscle mass and function.

Additionally, milk reduces oxidative stress, which may help prevent the development of certain brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Milk is also good for the liver, as it helps cleanse it of harmful substances, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and can help cope with gastritis and stomach ulcers by reducing acidity.

The vitamins and minerals contained in milk improve immunity, normalize blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. Milk also helps reduce the risk of developing rickets and other diseases.

Is lactose-free milk healthier than regular milk?

Lactose was first discovered in 1619 by Italian scientist Fabrizio Bartoletti. In 1780, Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele defined lactose as milk sugar.

Doctors say that milk, both with and without lactose, is good for health. However, in people with lactose intolerance, drinking regular milk can lead to gastrointestinal problems. In this case, it is better for them to choose lactose-free milk.

Lactose-free milk is not a panacea for people with milk allergies. In this case, the body reacts to whey proteins and casein, which are also found in lactose-free milk.

Is pasteurized milk better than natural milk?

Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to a certain temperature for a certain time to kill harmful bacteria. Proponents of pasteurization believe that this makes milk safe for consumption and preserves its taste and aroma. Opponents of pasteurization argue that it also destroys the beneficial bacteria, vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in milk.

On the one hand, the risk of bacterial infection from drinking raw milk is really low. However, if such an infection does occur, it can be very serious.

Does milk strengthen your immune system?

Milk proteins are involved in the creation of cells, including immune cells. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in milk are important for the nervous system. The harmonious combination of calcium and phosphorus in milk helps strengthen bones and teeth.

Lactose, or milk sugar, is food for intestinal microflora.

Does warm milk help you fall asleep?

To fall asleep, the body needs to produce melatonin, the sleep hormone. Melatonin is produced from serotonin, which in turn is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan. Milk is one of the best sources of tryptophan.

Can't adults have milk?

Many adults have reduced enzymatic activity in order to process pure milk. Therefore, in people with lactose intolerance, drinking milk, especially fresh milk, can cause bloating and diarrhea. This is due to the fact that their body cannot break down milk sugar, lactose. Plant-based milks do not contain lactose and therefore do not cause these problems.

What is the harm of milk?

Milk is a valuable source of nutrients, but consuming it in excess can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis and other diseases.

In men, milk can increase the risk of prostate cancer, and in women - ovarian and breast cancer. Milk in large quantities can increase cholesterol levels, provoke inflammation and disrupt the digestive system.

What will happen if you drink a liter of milk every day?

According to the doctor, one liter of milk contains about 25 grams of fat in addition to important nutrients, so a liter per day is a lot.

Children are recommended to drink at least 300 ml of milk per day for healthy growth and calcium intake. Adults with normal lactose tolerance can safely consume up to 300-400 ml of whole milk per day. Excessive consumption of milk can cause bloating, nausea and upset bowel movements.

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