
Midnight on the clock: what you can eat at night without harm to the figure


“I want to eat, I want to lose weight ... I want everything!”
Film “Slave of Love”

We will not go deep and analyze the advice of nutritionists - do not eat after 18:00 or do not eat 3 hours before bedtime. What to do if hunger caught at the most inopportune time, namely in the middle of the night! What products are suitable so that in the morning in front of the mirror you are not tormented by conscience?

The article contains snacks with minimal harm to health at night.

Low-fat yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese

Dairy products give a feeling of satiety for up to 2 hours. Plus, they are rich in calcium for strong bones, as well as a light protein that is well absorbed and does not overload the body. You should not add sugar to kefir or cottage cheese, but you can add a teaspoon of honey or some berries. A serving should not exceed 200-250 grams.

Green vegetables

The benefits of vegetables are not new, but it is green foods that boast a low calorie and starch content. The body spends more energy digesting green vegetables than it receives from them.

Cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, green peas, celery are rich in important trace elements and water-soluble vitamins. The latter include vitamins C and group B, which are involved in the formation of skin cells, which is activated at night.


The benefits of citrus for the figure lies in the presence of naringin and bergamottin in it - valuable substances for weight loss. It is naringin that gives grapefruit a bitter taste, it improves metabolism and breaks down body fat. In addition, grapefruit is a source of fiber, potassium, lycopene, vitamin C and other trace elements necessary for the human body.


Popcorn will replace appetizingly crunchy but unhealthy chips at a nightly movie. Popcorn should be with a minimum amount of salt and oil, and preferably without.

Popcorn is also rich in fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins B1 and B2. Promotes the removal of carcinogens and bowel cleansing.

Chicken or turkey meat

For a night meal, poultry meat is best boiled, baked or steamed.

As with green vegetables, the body uses more energy to digest lean meats. Chicken or turkey fillet will perfectly satisfy your appetite without harming your figure.

A brunch menu might include whole grain breads, berries, boiled eggs, steamed omelets, or grilled mushrooms.

Also, a glass of water, tea with honey and lemon or chamomile and mint will help in the fight against night gluttony.

The feeling of hunger should not interfere with a good sleep, but you need to remember some rules: nothing fried or spicy, no pastries and chocolate, and a complete taboo on fatty seasonings like mayonnaise.




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