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Turkmen athletes to take part in World Traditional Karate Championship


The Turkmenistan national traditional karate team is taking part in the World Championship in the Spanish city of Cambrils. Turkmen athletes will compete for medals and the prestige of their country in the international arena.

The Turkmenistan national team includes 10 athletes: Kemal Atayev, Eziz Zekeryayev, Selim Muratdurdyev, Hemra Begjanov, Nurgeldy Annagurbanov, Palvan Ovezov, Serdar Bayriev, Yhlas Annagurbanov, Meylis Charyev and Adylsha Atayev.

The coaching staff Is represented by Diyar Hojaev (team leader) and Dovlet Berdyev. The panel of judges of Turkmenistan at the tournament is represented by Guvanch Adyev and Eymur Mademinov.

Traditional karate is a martial art that preserves and transmits unchanged techniques and methods of training that have come from ancient times. It is based on the principles of self-defense and includes punches, kicks, blocking and breathing techniques.

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