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Digest of the main news of Turkmenistan for August 3


The Russian Embassy expressed deep gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the head of the Halk Maslahaty, the memory of the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi was honored in Tashkent, the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Hungary will start on August 7 and other news


1. The Embassy of the Russian Federation expressed deep gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the hospitality and the opportunity to relax for Russian schoolchildren - winners of the International Mathematical Olympiad. Earlier it was reported that at the invitation of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation, eight young mathematicians from Moscow and Kazan will spend 10 days on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The schoolchildren will relax in the “Dayanch” health center in Avaza.

2. A ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi was held in the capital of Uzbekistan. The event was held within the framework of the Friendship Week. The participants of the event noted the growing popularity of Magtymguly Fragi's poems throughout the world and their translation into many languages. The importance of the poet's work in strengthening Turkmen-Uzbek relations based on centuries-old traditions of friendship and good neighborliness was especially emphasized.

3. On August 7, the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan will start in Hungary. In this regard, a large creative delegation of Turkmen artists, cultural and art figures, representatives of the film industry, museum specialists and journalists is heading to Budapest. The program of the Days of Culture includes events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi, the presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan “Anau - Culture from the Depths of Millennia”, a screening of Turkmen films, and master classes on traditional Turkmen crafts.

4. Six out of fourteen films by Turkmen authors have made it to the finals of the Central Asian competition “Shoot in 48 Hours”. Among the finalists was the work “Dream” by Turkmen director Myratgeldy Mollaev. The OM team from Turkmenistan achieved particular success, whose short film “Addiction” won in the nomination “Best Horror/Thriller”. The “Shoot in 48 Hours” competition annually brings together enthusiastic filmmakers from five Central Asian countries. This year, the participants were given the task of including in their works the phrase “We are here”, a character - a girl in blue, and an object “Home”. At the same time, the genre and script were left to the discretion of the creators.

5. A delegation of Turkmenistan headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Akhmet Gurbanov visited Manila, where political consultations with the Philippine side took place. The key outcome of the visit was the signing of the “Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines on political consultations”.


1. Walter Ortmann, recognized by the Guinness World Records as the oldest employee in the world, has died in Brazil at the age of 103. The “RenoVue” weaving factory, where Ortmann worked for an incredible 86 years, confirmed this sad news. Ortmann began his career at the factory back in 1938, when he was only 15 years old. He fondly recalled his first experience working with a calculator brought from Germany by the director, admitting that at first he was distrustful of the new technology and double-checked all the calculations manually.

2. Kazakhstan's Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev announced that the government had rejected the “Turn Back Time’ petition, which called for the country to return to its previous time zone. According to the minister, the decision was made after carefully studying scientific research and recommendations submitted by the working group. He noted that the UTC+5 time zone is the standard and most suitable for most of Kazakhstan. The ministry did not find convincing evidence of a negative impact of the time change on public health.


1. Turkmen track and field athlete Valentina Meredova completed her performance at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, demonstrating her best result of the season in the 100-meter run. In the first round of the competition, the 39 years old athlete covered the distance in 11,95 seconds, which, however, was not enough to reach the semi-finals. For Valentina, this is the second Olympics in her career after participating in the 2008 Games in Beijing.

2. “Ashgabat” Football Club from Turkmenistan has started a 10-day training camp in the UAE. The team is preparing for the third round of the national championship under the leadership of new head coach Tofik Shukurov. The training camp in Dubai will be a key stage in Ashgabat's preparation for the resumption of the Turkmenistan championship. The third round of the tournament starts on August 16, and in the first match, “Ashgabat” will face “Kopetdag”.

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